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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. The stock was trimmed a bit and then attached. The barrel and mag are functional and separate so I painted it in 3 pieces. It shoots darts pretty good but have seen some spring mods to make it better. Then, I added a Tasco scope and a strap. It was one of my first blasters from when I joined up in 2011.
  2. Typically, the vest goes on first - sort of like a half-shirt. Then, the bund which comes up and over it. I have Velcro on my vest that corresponds with the bund to prevent the dreaded "slippage".
  3. Moncal sells the MLC helmet, but the wait time is rather long. You can contact MLC directly and will get a better response.
  4. It's based on your size. Typically about 1.5" or so from the bottom of the knees. The last thing you want is for them to be touching.
  5. You could, but better to wait for the knees. If you go forward without them, just be careful and measure twice!
  6. If the blaster is resin or plastic, you can use silver spray paint. If it's rubber, you could use an acrylic silver paint. I use Krylon, spray a bit on cardboard and wait about 1 minute. Then, soak it up with a piece of foam, wait about another minute then go to town. Best advice, as you wipe it, let the foam catch the raised parts and edges. Less is more.
  7. Looks like you are good to go now.
  8. You need at least 5 posts on the forum to view the trade section.
  9. Whatever. Do what you feel is right with your scout. Idc, this is a tiresome debate. Howard has a good idea. Perhaps that will produce something useful. I sent a note to the CMD staff. Hopefully they will share some thoughts on this too.
  10. That's a great idea Howard, or he might even have behind the scenes pics (hanging out, chill'n).
  11. Or how about the MotM exhibit. Heck, the biceps have no greebs. Or the RED square on the back of the tank? Anyways, you guys do what you want. That's your choice and the fun of costuming. I'm just providing the arguments that have been posted for the last several years. I have nothing to do with the CRL nor the Lancers. It's up to you how you proceed. Best of luck!
  12. Again, your missing the point. Show a picture that clearly has 2-pieces and the debate is over. That blu-Ray pic shows costume parts, some that may have been used, and others that were added to the mannequin for the pic (that's what I'm saying). It also shows the holster on the left boot. DO you propose that we move the holster because of the pic? I sure hope not! Also, the neck seal. No proof of that either. Oh, and let's not forget the upside down TD. So, let's just update that too.
  13. That is a picture from the blu-Ray. Look close, and you'll notice a TK under suit, not the jumpsuit. So, as I mentioned - no Bueno. Mickey's 2-piece is awesome and if anyone wants to do it, go for it! But until it's proven and someone approaches the command staff with a proposal to change things...
  14. It's more of a general statement. I've been here for many years and this is an ongoing debate. Everyone has an opinion but only the detachment command staff can or would alter the CRL based on definitive proof. My bund is one piece but the bund part is layered on top of the cod. So, looks exactly like the pic. You may be seeing a shadow -or- a 2 piece setup. Again, the pics referenced are not screen captures from the movie. So could very well be staged for magazines, etc. For example, the blu-Ray shows the holster on the left. Was it, nope.
  15. I hear you. The problem is "ifs" and "maybes" don't buy you much. If you want to go Lancer, follow the Lancer standards - which have been based on years of research, discussion, debate, and compromise. If not, no worries and do your own thing as a Pathfinder. Some guys have done the split design and it looks pretty cool. That picture has been around for years and led to a lot of the discussions I mentioned. At the end of the day, until someone or anyone, provides definitive proof - we follow the rules of the road.
  16. Those look nice, but the shape of the sole is not right. I don't think it would even pass basic clearance. If they were more flat, on the bottom, maybe. The color is fairly close, however that upper "lip" would need to come off. In short, I would not use that as a base boot.
  17. I wear a 42 long since I'm 6'2". Basically the only difference between the two is the length of the inseam.
  18. And both are top notch scouts!
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