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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. It's more about the look and feel of the boots. There is no requirement as to "how" you build them, or "who" builds them. Just that they should look as close to the originals as possible.
  2. Only if you paint the boot soles one color and adjust the dog bone.
  3. Nah, I indicated that I have OCD and would paint it to match the snout and rectangle. But, it's not a hard fast requirement at this time. It's just a lighter shade of gray.
  4. It also still shows a chin cup, but it's no longer required.
  5. Really nice work and a cool approach with the TD!
  6. Also, I'd get some 1.5" nylon or cotton webbing for the drop boxes. It'll look much better than the 1" that came with the kit.
  7. Looking pretty good so far. You're going to want to trim that return edge off the bottom of the bells and round them out. The KS bells are just, funky, so hopefully you can make them work. I replaced mine with SC bells. Other than that, you're on point. Also, don't forget to paint the chest rectangle grey.
  8. Check out the Altmanns run in the trade forum. Great service and an awesome helmet.
  9. Great work so far. To get approved, you'll need to paint the TD tube grey. I'd also swap out the drop boxes and holster for SC. You can drop Jeff at SC a line and pick up a set easily.
  10. I have KS armor and it can be approved. Definitely replace the drop boxes and boot holster though, they are too big. The knees are fine, along with the biceps, forearms and belt. You'll also want to trim the bells to be more accurate. How did the chest and back turn out?
  11. I agree with Tim, nice work! The key to the ears is "less is more". So, don't do much more on those.
  12. Go into your Photobucket account, click a photo and then click the "lock" icon. It'll open a dialog and click the "direct link" option. Then, click the picture icon above in the editor (here on BSN). Paste the HTML link into the option and click OK. That's all there is to it. I have linked your helmet, as an example.
  13. Totally beautiful Mickey...even with the little flaws. The only thing I don't like (and it's minor), is the re-enforcement piece under the visor in the front. That seems weird to me, but get why they did it. Really nice looking lid man.
  14. Congrats and welcome to the Pathfinders!
  15. Waiting is the hardest part. You've done a great job and I'm sure you'll be approved soon enough.
  16. I knew Frank when he was active here at BSN. He actually had his own web site where the main tutorial was located. You might search the helmet section, or his profile for the links. But I think his site is offline now. Edit: the site was - www.frankkrug.net You can look it up on www.archive.org and might get lucky. He was/is a super cool guy. https://web.archive.org/web/20101229072000/http://frankkrug.net/ Also, I'm pretty sure this is him on LinkedIn -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-krug-95aa297
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