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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. We call that "slippage". A good method used by many, is to add Velcro to the vest and underside of the bund. That way you can keep the dreaded slippage from occurring. Other have used suspenders on the bund, but that can cause unwanted straps to appear. I personally use the Velcro method and it works quite well.
  2. Agreed, well done on your build and a great looking scout!
  3. For anyone who does not hang out here on BSN, probably not noticeable. However, the KS setup has lots of issues that will require updates/modifications before you could really feel good about your costume. The hang boxes are incredibly TOO large, and the chest/back are smaller than SC by comparison. The shoulders are rather wonky and will require some work and shaping. But the belt, biceps, forearms, and knees are acceptable. You'll also need to replace the TD end caps and most of the greeblies. Overall, you can make a good setup out of the KS kit - I did. Mine is totally a KS/SC/Chef hybrid.
  4. I used a Dremel and took that dude off in seconds flat.
  5. I would not go that far and have never been asked to have an orange tip on this blaster. It all depends on your area or region. In North Texas, our blasters are tagged with a "safety band" at CONS. This just confirms it's a fake weapon.
  6. That is exactly what I did for mine - trimmed off the square portion of the 3M screw and made an indention in the disk. Then, attached the Altmann's screw to it. That's the best option, unless you want to dig into the helmet, which I do not recommend. Just be careful, the 3M disk will get really soft once the square portion is gone. So don't go all the way through it!
  7. And, technically this is a WTB post, which we do not allow. I appreciate that you're looking for an out of the box solution, but those are hard to find. You can look around the trade forum, contact members via PM, but please refrain from posting WTB threads. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=1161&hl=&fromsearch=1
  8. Looking really good, hope the pics I sent help you. The bicep bits are fine for general clearance but would need to be replaced for Lancer status. As mentioned, just sand the parts a tad bit more and you'll be spot on. I'd also contact SC or Chef to get some replacement hang boxes and TD end caps. Those KS parts are WAY off and replacing them will really tighten up your look. Also, nice work on the shoulders. Those really look good.
  9. Nice work Craig! The pouches are reversed, too (right to left).
  10. This makes (3). What kind of a post is this? Careful, you were removed previously for doing this type of thing.
  11. What kind of a post is this? Careful, you were removed previously for doing this type of thing.
  12. I always recommend the Schampa products (like the coolskin Todd mentions above). They are the best option, IMHO. http://www.jpcycles.com/product/131-229 http://www.jpcycles.com/motorcycle-balaclavas/schampa
  13. There are a few out there, but most either ordered and never got them, or have since sold them.
  14. Plus, would still require the riding patch, flap, and elastic. For that price, and with all the stitching and pocket mods, you'd be better off getting a Redkap coverall for $29 and doing the mods on it.
  15. Looks really good, nice work! The tan on the boot soles is a bit light in color, so your GML may have an issue. I can tell it's tan, but it almost looks white based on the image exposure. The only other comment from me is to bring your shoulder bells up a tad and put the forearms on the outside of the gloves. Great looking scout!
  16. You're off to a great start. I also wear a KS hybrid suit (have some SC and Chef parts on mine). If you need any KS help, just holla.
  17. Yeah, it's Steve Robbins (sleeverob). He's a good guy, although he does not advertise on BSN. I've heard nothing but good stuff about his boots. http://forum.bikersc...?showuser=78150 http://www.501st.com...346&costumeID=6 http://www.whois.com...rscoutboots.com
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