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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. No problem with holster fit, depending on the armor you choose. It works in the KS, SC, and other kits with no problems. The scope comment is relative to its accuracy compared to the original onscreen blaster.
  2. Troops: I am happy to announce that Shaun TB-25414 (ShaunPug) has been awarded the Lancer rank. Please join me in congratulating him on this accomplishment. Well done trooper! http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=17387&hl=&fromsearch=1
  3. Shaun, thanks for your application and outstanding work on your costume. The team has awarded you the rank of Lancer. Now get out there and make us proud. Congrats! Send your action pic to Cheyenne (Forest Ranger) and we'll get you added to the wall!
  4. You can leave the rivets in place and just trim and glue the 3M bolt cover over it. When I had a KS, that's how mine was done.
  5. Troops: I am happy to announce that Boris TB-10761 (Dauitsch) has been awarded the Lancer rank. Please join me in congratulating him on this accomplishment. Well done trooper! http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=17347
  6. Boris, thanks for your application and for making the requested changes. You have done a great job and the team has awarded you the rank of Lancer. Now get out there and make us proud. Congrats! Send your action pic to Cheyenne (Forest Ranger) and we'll get you added to the wall!
  7. Looking good, welcome to the Pathfinders!
  8. Please post up a helmet pic showing the 3M bolts. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for your application. Stand by while the staff reviews your details.
  10. Thanks for your application. Stand by while the staff reviews your details.
  11. Thanks for the updates Robert. The team is reviewing them now, stand by!
  12. It will depend on the filament material. PLA does not work so well with AV treatment. If you're using PLA (or any other filament with zipper lines), you can use XTC-3D. It's pretty good. You basically mix it up and paint/smooth it on the material. It dries hard and fills in the zipper lines. Then you can sand and paint accordingly. I've had great success with this stuff. https://www.filabot.com/products/xtc-3d-high-performance-3d-print-coating?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=1036292252&gclid=CIO30qX37NICFQIdaQodz-8DNA
  13. Troops: I am happy to announce that Alan TB-16178 (eyeslave) has been awarded the Lancer rank. Please join me in congratulating him on this accomplishment. Well done trooper! http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=17028&hl=&fromsearch=1
  14. Alan, thanks for your application and for making the requested changes with your costume. You're done a great job and the team has awarded you the rank of Lancer. Now get out there and make us proud. Congrats!
  15. Welcome to the Pathfinder forum! You've been given some sound advice from some awesome troopers.
  16. No problem, you did a great job. Please send an action shot photo to Cheyenne (Forest Ranger) so we can add you to the Lancer wall.
  17. Troops: I am happy to announce that Aaron TB-41394 (Cheesewhoppy) has been awarded the Lancer rank. Please join me in congratulating him on this accomplishment. Well done trooper! http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=17187&hl=&fromsearch=1
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