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Everything posted by M.J

  1. Nathan, I'm under 5 foot and get "arn't you a little short".. but guess what I love wearing it and good for you too! Once you've done a few troops you will work out where to stand and how to pose yourself, one idea is to bend knee a little and point like you're saying " hey you there" that will bring you down a little and give you some character. We also have some jawas that didnt stop growing they would bend down in the front of the photo... You will get your groove. With the armour do you have closer up photos? I didn't put velcro on my arms I placed foam and elastic to make them fit better, they would fall down as I'm small and the kit was a bit big, now older I've had to trim the foam and redo the elastic (older meaning I put on weight), remember once placing Velcro on it can wear more, use that as a last resort. Though I did place Velcro on my knees the top part so they still sit, try and make sure the soft part of the velcro is on the armour, or you will over time rub onto your fabric and it will start to wear.
  2. Hi ya Simon and Welcome. Lancer, you got this!
  3. Buckets off
  4. Hello, sorry I never caught your name, I understand the frustration and I can assure you one time or another we've all been there, even myself having to create a new complete 501st armor , though with my scout I was knocked back on my first submission all those years ago, I also thought it was unfair and pointed out why... though I fixed it and felt better for it. Since then my scout has had some major upgrades along the way. Now just a couple of things, am I correct you didn't make any of your pieces, meaning from boots, soft parts to armour? It can a little uneasy trusting your money and expectations on someone that isn't in the same boat so to speak. Sadly as the 501st we never ever recommend anyone assuming they will be atomically approved on words of a maker. So my advise you've got a good kit, research the parts you've been asked to look into, Boots are an easy to fix.. I've had my fair share of pulling apart the vinyl when realising the tongue was glued wrong, and I helped make over 7 pairs of boots. You've got the pattern in your hands already, and there are so many WIP here. Next is the Vest ( my pet hate) grab the maker Dennis suggested. or again look at the forums for builds. The Belt... oh good that is another argument in our house, I have 3 scouts under the one roof, mine is a grandfather effect and I do have the buckle though the other two are per CRL. Every costume in the 501st have the grandfather effect and people don't read the current the CRL so I assume this might of been your case. again another easy fix. With all of these fixes we can help you through it that is what we are here for. I believe you can do this, you have the passion and once you've corrected them trust me you will feel more satisfied with your Scout. I cannot stress enough you are not being targeted and very disappointed you posted a members photo, they know its them and can you imagine how they feel you've made an example of them. I would highly suggest you delete that photo
  5. Hi Gus, if your wife needs any help we are here. My partner was the same when I was building mine it was a little hard to explain it to him why though once we started he got the idea.
  6. Oh I'm not either, all self taught. The pattern is there you just need to improve on it. You got this.
  7. When I take a closer look,( another day can show a clearer mind) that neck line is way too wide regardless, it wouldn't matter if you're bun was loose or not, I think the issue is the vest its self See how you go by bringing in the back. If that doesn't work I do suggest maybe Velcro to pull your vest down and attached to the overalls. Though if your game, redo the vest keep the sleeves, thats the hardest part and just use the old vest a guide line. Dont forget photos very keen to see how you go
  8. Chris fantastic job on the cummberbun, I agree it does look a little low though just as Mickey mentions wait till you get your armour and you get to fiddle around. I do tend to make sure members that I'm fitting for a bun to have their kit with them as I can make adjustments, though you do have the luxury of making your own. Chris your Arch is too high up, was just taking a closer look, you can bring your bun up, though you may have to redo the cod piece. I think I had it as a 6 inches away from the sew line, but this is on the top of my head. I can chase up the measurements if you dont have them.
  9. sorry can I chime in, the vest does look a little big more so at the back, you can see the gathering. You can also see this when its hanging up, its quite wide. I would pin it to where you can move your arms down comfortably, so its not that tight and see how much it might be need to be taken in, also each person is built different even some darts but I'm getting ahead of myself here. Once you've gauged how much you may need to take in then look at the options. I do have my cummberbun very tight...and I've put on weight though having it tight isn't such a bad thing, I've also got a trick if you put on weight but again I'm jumping ahead lets get you approved first. Just reading your post, depending how handy you are with a sewing machine, what about your jump suit is that quite baggy as well? that can push things out
  10. Congrats and love the photos Thank you for sharing
  11. Chris we have a couple of kits from Studio Creations in our house, the communications with them is outstanding, compared to a couple of others I have dealt with.
  12. So sad to hear. Buckets off and deepest condolences to his family, friends and Garrison.
  13. Chris good job!
  14. Oooh sorry Arne, that will teach me not wearing my glasses
  15. Arne ( must wear glasses 😊) Welcome and an impressive write up...I love it. Sounds like your mum has you covered (she may even give me tips) , and Arne you have to start somewhere if you've got that horrible bug for costuming ... you got this If you need any help just yell, so many makers here with incredible advice.
  16. Chris, its coming along nicely... btw loving the smile
  17. OMG thank you, I did feel very much out of my comfort zone and do hope I wasn't too over talkative Thank you soo much for organising the Virtual Armor Party so we here could join, maybe next time in the future we may get more from this side of the world.
  18. Bumping this we are good are good to go in around an hour and half
  19. I will be there, I have worked out ...I think .. it will be a Saturday for me and around 11am.. I'm in Melbourne Australia so if anyone is good at working out time zones ... just confirm would be awesome
  20. Awesome work KG, it’s really good to see others also updating their kit. thank you for sharing
  21. Hello Cyril, ahh not good with your hands, I think you might surprise yourself. Lets just say the husband never thought he would see me trimming plastic at my age.. yep over 50. Its not that difficult and the guys here will guide you along the way. You'll want your armour to fit you nicely, this will help be comfortable and you will LOOK GOOD! Remember always ask questions. We've all been there um more than once too
  22. Daisy more than half our Scouts here have the two piece, I wouldnt be able to wear my scout all day I didnt have the luxury of the two piece. The pants are like those cargo pants so a good thick pair, no visible pockets or extra sew lines, I was lucky to find a pair with the slit pockets like that of the overalls, it did take a little while for me to find the right pair but since then I have found plenty. Your unpicker becomes very handy The photo is old sorry but you should be able to get the idea. The Velcro you can see on the knees, its a hidden tip, being small my knee amour would droop so placing Velcro kept them up and looking good. The shirt, buy a mens its larger and right cut and shape, I found the same shade black as the pants, I made the collar to match that of Scout, using the cuffs of the shirt, I took all buttons off, folded over the button hole seam and used Velcro, the collar is pretty easy, just make sure the sew lines are few so you do have to have some thought before sewing on. Sorry no photos atm. I've had my scout over 8 years and replaced the top half a few times, paints are still going good, though I've helped so many Scouts here in my Garrison adding the patches and elastic, not my favourite part but some how I stuck doing it, though I get them to do all the unpicking. Little tip, I was making 3 in a row, and found the bum flap was too small, so always measure and make sure, lucky it was a work bee and they were trying them on. So pin put them on, photo take a look. Remember your sleeves are not seen so cut and hem.
  23. Hello Daisy, have you thought of a two piece under suit? I'm under 5 foot and I have black shirt and black pants as my undersuit, through the 8 years I have updated, though still the two piece, easy to go to the bathroom. The pants are the same canvas fabric as overalls and the shirt is mens size redesigned to the shape of the scouts. If your keen let me know and I can show photos.
  24. OMG dont make me laugh, first time I put mine on I had a bed, chair and a Mirror and took me ages .. Now I just use the car's windows and scream at members around do I look ok..
  25. sorry just saw your other post, really if you stuff up just turn it around..
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