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Everything posted by Dart

  1. Don't be shy about giving your feedback. As Gio is a small vendor, if we see areas for improvement, we can pass them along to him and he may be able to update future builds to be better.
  2. A shade 3 polycarbonate visor can be used. They're cheap and easily had. You don't want darker than shade 3 if you're gonna be indoors mostly.
  3. Hi Louis, Unfortunately, the MLC is no longer approved for Lancer:
  4. On behalf of Pathfinders Command, it is my pleasure to welcome Mickey "BikerScout007" Bukowski (ST-81974) to the illustrious ranks of the Vanguard Shoretroopers (as a Captain, no less!) Excellent work, Mickey! Don't forget to send a picture of your most Vanguardian pose to us for addition to the Pathfinders Hall of Fame. Check out ST-81974's application here: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/21821-bikerscout007-shoretrooper-captain-vanguard-request/
  5. What size? I can check to see if I have a smaller one.
  6. Looks good! Test with the face plate and visor (if completed) to make sure it all goes together nicely.
  7. Lookin' good! Any chance you have larger photos you can post up?
  8. Once you make sure the halves line up nicely AND form the correct shape, you can always glue a piece of plastic on the inside of the helmet underneath the seam. That will reinforce the seam and also help you keep it all together.
  9. Stefan: Thanks so very much for all your hard work. It really is appreciated. Glad to hear you're not gone for good! Melody: Congrats on the promotion!
  10. So, there were several different paint schemes and bits that were on the scouts. What we see on screen is what is the final version. The image above is one of those other scouts. Since it's not on all of the humps, we don't suggest it be added to anyone's build. It's supposed to be a red light and in some of the early MC kits offered, that was an option you could buy.
  11. I have no issues with the rewording. As stated above, we can always be more specific if/when doing the level 2 requirements.
  12. I have a KS bucket and took it apart to fix a few issues. That said, I used the 3M tape and over 100 troops later, it's still holding. The stuff I used, which is the stuff KS uses, is the 3M indoor/outdoor foam mounting tape.
  13. For future reference, if you wanna paint rubbery things, an easy thing to do is get some acrylic paint and some liquid latex, mix them and you've got paint that'll stick. Also, I've been seeing in Michael's a brand of latex paint, so that could be an easier choice.
  14. Really nice work! This would also be great reference for other Scouts going the remnant way.
  15. Great work! Bits like shoulders can be tricky, for the reasons you mentioned. It really forces you to think about how that part would actually weather in real-world conditions.
  16. Congrats on the approval, Gerard! Way to go, eh! I've gone ahead and bumped you to Pathfinder status.
  17. Completely agree! Well said!
  18. Devcon can be tricky to find up here. Some places will sell it, others won't. Oatey is widely available here at Home Despot.
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