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Everything posted by Dart

  1. Good work! Congrats!
  2. It's definitely the best way so far. If you follow the directions and use some photos to guide you, you can make Lancer level boots.
  3. That's been a hot debate in the past. Some feel that the dets are too picky and others don't like the idea of turning approvals over to someone who isn't "local". As an example, the Rebel Legion does exactly this as they have panels of costume judges that handle everything. Of course, as in the movies, the RL is significantly smaller a group than the 501st, and the dets do all of the approvals might be too much.
  4. Congrats on the approval!
  5. When I made my boots (size 13, 19" calves) same issue. I just made a good paper template that was a bit tapered and then cut my vinyl then. As stated above, it doesn't need to look fitted as you want that stovepipe look to it. Good luck!
  6. Congratulations!
  7. For those that want to use one, the Aker speakers are popular as they're small and well powered. I have one that goes in my left pouch and I route the headset through a small hole in my flightsuit, under my flak vest, and then over my 'bund through a small hole in the back of my pouch. Done that for the past 13 years with no issue. As for fans, I currently have a KS helmet but I got a hollow snout kit from someone years ago. I just drilled a hole directly through the back of that, painted it all black and installed the mesh, and then put a squirrel fan pointing up to ventilate my lens. That said, some find that they don't need one as scouts have the open ear holes which do a good job for ventilation.
  8. It really depends on your garrison. Some are more lax, some are more strict. I can only speak for mine, but when we're kitted up, we're encouraged to not remove our helmets while out and about unless it's absolutely necessary. At a con, it's different as it's a more relaxed environment, but even then, we're not around the booth. I say, if you like wearing the cap and you've got an officer ranked costume (looking at you, Shoretroopers), why not? Or just wear a hat with no greeblie like the rest of us enlisted pukes.
  9. Congrats! Well done!
  10. Congrats on your achievement! Great work!
  11. I got mine in today. Agree with the general sentiment with regards to comfort and fit. I have a size XL and they fit properly. As for the zipper removal, I have a pair of small, curved scissors that I used to cut the zipper out. Just made sure that the leather around was pulled back enough so that I could make tiny little snips without making a hole in the leather. Took all of about 10 minutes for both gloves. I too have reservations about the zipper pull on the inside wrist but it's a minor thing to deal with if I decide I don't want it there anymore. Overall, I really like the fit and would definitely recommend these to anyone who's looking and has a bit more of a budget.
  12. Congrats on your achievement!
  13. You may be able to just have a new zipper installed. Go see a tailor and see what they say. It should be pretty straight forward.
  14. If you can find a hobby store near you that does RC cars, etc..., they'll have some lexan scissors. Sometimes you can get them in a 2-pack: one pair straight, one pair curved. I find the curved scissors far more useful. And then, of course, there's Amazon if you can't get any locally. Glad to hear your soft goods came in!
  15. I think I had to hit the head once and I could do it with my 2-way zipper. Scared some kid as I was walking out of the bathroom. It was great.
  16. Hi Tyler! Mickey's link above really is the best place to start. Lots of info. If you're looking to get a kit and build it yourself (the scout armour, minus the helmet, is relatively simple to assemble - the soft parts a bit more challenging), you don't need a ton of tools. Having a good utility knife, some hobby files, a variety of sandpaper or sanding sponges (my personal fave) is enough to get you started. The end goal is to have fun, so hopefully you find a kit that works for you. Hope you enjoy your first build!
  17. ^What Chopper said^ Overall, it's coming together for you well, Ethan. We'd love to see your boots and the 360 when you get them done. Happy to see another scout!
  18. Yeah, it took me a couple kicks at the can before I got my KS helmet to look like it should. Just keep on going and it's all learning, right? It's definitely fixable.
  19. Thanks for the pics. You're close, but you've got a few more things to do: - that extra plastic on the faceplate at the bottom needs to go as it shouldn't be sticking out - you need to trim out the inside of the visor a bit more as it shouldn't have a rounded/return edge to it - your faceplate is a bit crooked sitting within the visor. - the bolts are not in the correct place. The rounded bit at the top back corner of the visor (right around the bolt holes) should fit within the curve of the helmet line. Need to move those bolt holes back, probably at least a quarter inch/3/8" if I was to guess. - Also, not sure if it's the angle, but the three forehead lines don't seem to be centered. You're getting there, but as a former GML, that won't pass.
  20. I understand your concerns, Sebastian. As far as I know, there haven't been issues with this in the past, and I'm thinking back to when I was first here in 2009. Also, having been a GML myself I haven't heard from other GML's that this was a major concern. On the main 501st forums, there are detachment and costume specific topics where GML's can post any concerns regarding costumes. If you're hearing that someone's experiencing issues, they can request that their GML post in these forums for clarification from us, the detachment staff.
  21. As mentioned above, what we prefer is the idealized positioning. This same argument could be said about the first stormtroopers we see in ANH. If you see the Blu-ray version, you'll see that the first couple have white duct tape on their chests. That's not part of the CRL simply because that's not how it's *supposed* to be. Same goes for the arm armour on a scout. I appreciate your interest in being "screen accurate" but there's only so far we go. Also, have you tried wearing your armour like that? It's not really that comfortable.
  22. Agreed. And when you're done with your cuts, give the edges some sandpapering to help smooth things out.
  23. 1. Any medium gray should do the trick. I'd stick with something that's matte or satin. I think when I built my first helmet, I just used grey primer. 2. Yes, you wanna paint it black, preferably a matte or satin black, around the inside and about halfway around the ridge that goes around the snout. If you take a look at the pics below, even though it's kinda tough to see, but you'll see how the black paint goes over the inside edge of the snout ridge (1st pic - top right and top left). One the second photo, pay attention to the bottom of the snout. You'll see how it's squared off below and how it goes up and over the ridge of the snout. Very similar to how it is in the top image (top right).
  24. Congrats! Great work!
  25. Best way to do it is take a measurement where the top and bottom of your cummerbund sit on your body (circumference). Then measure the same parts of the 'bund and see what the difference is between them. Subtract the difference equally on both sides of the 'bund and you should be able to have the back closure still be centered but fit better.
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