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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Dragon_a

  1. I believe the new Lancer standard is 12mm (1/2") black elastic.
  2. So have you attached the "top" zip tie anchor to the white cotton loop that goes over the shoulder bridge?
  3. That's awsome, thank you so much.
  4. Does anyone have a picture of how the zip ties actually attach to the shoulder bridges. I'm having a really hard time visualising it.
  5. Wow thank you for the feedback, that means a lot from you. I think I should have enough room for the bund and vest, I've used a longer strip of loop velcro on the inside than the hook piece on the straps. So there should be some adjustability. For the OMP logo on the sleeves I always assumed that the vest and shoulder bells will cover it. If that's not the case then they're pretty easy to remove with seam ripper.
  6. Thanks mate, I really appreciate the feedback. As above, I bought SC armour so it came with sticky back (hoop) velcro which is pretty sticky and so far seems to do the job. I see on your build you have Altman armour so not sure what this comes with.
  7. So the chest and back armour. I went with the tried and tested Velcro for the shoulders (why try and reinvent the wheel?). I used a strip of loop velcro for each side and a good long strip of hook Velcro to ensure a decent grip. For the straps connecting the sides under the arms I stuck lengths of loop Velcro inside the armour next to the slots. I then attached a square of hook Velcro to either end of a 21cm long piece of 40mm white cotton webbing for each side. Using the same white cotton webbing and some elastic I sewed together two shoulder bridges. Next up the belt. After gluing the three pieces together with E6000 I then glued in the 50mm white nylon webbing and added a rivet per the CRL. I attached hook Velcro to the left side and loop Velcro to the right so that it closed “left over right†as per screen used belts. For the drop boxes I took two 60cm lengths of 40mm white cotton webbing and attached snaps to either end. The other side of the snaps I attached two to the webbing part of the belt and two others to thin pieces of plastic which I then glued into the inside of the “buckle†section of the belt. I then passed the webbing through the slots I cut in the boxes and the black plastic snap buckles (aligned same as screen used). So this is my progress so far. I’d really appreciate any feedback (I already spotted that the bicep pieces need to be a little more forward), especially on the positioning and “hang†of the drop boxes.
  8. 2 aussie lancers now :-)
  9. The Knee, bicep and forearm armour pieces all attach the same way: Elastic with a square of hook Velcro sewed onto each end passes through a slot cut into the armour piece and attaches to a piece of loop Velcro stuck to the inside of the armour. 25mm elastic for the knee and forearm pieces and 38mm elastic for the biceps. It was good to be able to actually see the armour pieces on my arm to see how it all fits together. I need to round off the edges and sand them down a bit. Other than that though I’m really pleased that there isn’t too much to do. A first fitting: The next thing I want to work on is the chest and back pieces. Then I can attach the shoulder bells, which will require more trimming.
  10. I'm just about to put the rank stripes on my bullet tank and I wanted to double check which side they go on. Most of the builds I've seen have them on the right, but in my copy of "Star Wars Costumes" they are on the left. So I went to the obvious place: the movie. Sure enough they can be seen on the right hand side: And also on the left: So which is correct (bearing in mind that I'm ultimately aiming at Lancer)?
  11. Does the standard, "out of the box" SC tube meet lancer standard or does it need painting?
  12. Me too. Thanks for the link.
  13. The Blaster assembled: Primer applied: Base coat: Finished with a little weathering:
  14. And then, when I’d just got started with that a small distraction arrived in the post. I have some busy evenings ahead.
  15. This weekend at AMC Expo I picked up my blaster kit from Tom of TCM Industries Just needs sanding, gluing and painting. My girlfriend’s response when she saw my new blaster? “Is that it? I was expecting something bigger.†If I had a dollar for every time I’d heard that……
  16. That's nice
  17. Well i think tonight is the night we finally get to see them
  18. I didn't know that's how the on screen ones were done. Looks like I'll be going to Max for my vest / cod then
  19. The ones from max's have the cod attached to the flak vest. Would that meet the new standard since its not the bund that it is attached to?
  20. Flight suit. I bought an OMP mechanic suit. A little big on me. For the riding patches I copied PandaTroopers idea and put on an old pair of jeans and drew on the shape of the patches in chalk, then cut them out. This provided a template for the real suede. A couple of evenings with a seam ripper and a pair of tweezers took care of the OMP logos. Still to do is the butt flap and elastic strapping. I’d also like to add stirrups and thumb loops to make putting on the boots and gloves easier.
  21. So finally time to start my own build thread. I’ll be putting this up on bikerscout.net and also on my local garrison forum to record my progress and to get advice from other scouts. I am building this with Lancer in mind, so as much as possible I want to aim for that standard right off the bat. Also this is so that my GML can see how I’m putting everything together and exactly what parts I’m using to hopefully make my approval simpler when the time comes. 1. Helmet. This is the first thing I bought – an Altman helmet. For the liner I bought some tactical helmet padding from eBay. When it arrived I tried sticking them in with BluTak to get the right fit, which it didn’t really. So on the advice of fellow scouts I went to Bunnings and picked up some tradie knee pads, which along with the tactical pads did the trick.
  22. Is the helmet chin cup a requirement for lancer? The new standards make no mention of it though the official crl lists it as required for "level 2".
  23. The vest that I've seen from Max has the cod attached to it. Am I right that this would still meet the new Lancer specs since they only state that the cod should be seperate from the bund?
  24. Does this make Glen the 1st Australian lancer?
  25. Any idea of time frame when you'll be selling these?
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