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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Dragon_a

  1. Is that no bund with the pouches attached to the belt?
  2. I’ve just finished printing the one from April Storm. Have a look on CG Trader as they often have sales (unlike Etsy) https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/games-toys/toys/blastech-dlt-20a-laser-rifle-blaster-star-wars-esb-ig-88
  3. Are you looking for a completed item or files to print and make your own?
  4. Congratulations
  5. I hope not. I remember the scouts from Mandalorian looked to have some differences, but this just looks like poor dressing.
  6. I’ve just noticed, there are no “riding patches” and there are large pockets (with flaps) on the thighs. I think they’ve used a tie pilot flight suit?
  7. Wow. It actually made it to SDCC looking like that? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. How can they call that "screen used"? It is the wrong colour for f sake! The bund is round his waist, and if I'm not mistaken the flak vest is missing? At least they put the knees on the right way round this time.
  8. According to starwars.com it'll be on display at SDCC. Not sure who dressed that mannequin though....
  9. Apparently the section of the game these shots are taken from takes place on Kashyyyk. So would these be called Kashyyyk Troope ...... oh wait 😉
  10. People may want to wait on the results of the class action suit currently underway against Anovos before handing over any money for this bucket.
  11. What shell thickness and fill density do you use for armour parts?
  12. I thought this was only available as a commissioned / finished set, no kits?
  13. Interesting. So variation in shin armour aside, they are basically TKs wearing scout helmets? I wonder what function these guys will fill, given that the whole concept of the scout was to be lightly armoured for maneuverability?
  14. Its odd because the one on the right looks like it has an ab plate, but the one on the left doesn't. Be interesting to see if these guys make it to screen in this form.
  15. Did you print that in one piece?
  16. Its a nice picture, but that's probably the closest anyone will ever get to seeing an Anovos PT bucket. If anything, hopefully their pics will reveal details that can be used to inform real prop makers when they make buckets that people can actually buy and recieve.
  17. Disney's marketing department would disagree 😉
  18. Also remember, the key to Lancer is how your armour looks on you. You could take an actual screen used set of armour, straight off the ROTJ set, but if it doesn’t look right on you it won’t get you Lancer.
  19. Congratulations
  20. Happy to help. Have you hooked up with Redback Garrison yet?
  21. Hi Mark. I’m from Melbourne. The only source for armour that’s “local” is Altman over in Adelaide (Spike on these forums). I have one of his helmets and love it, but his armour is aimed at bigger guys so at 5’6” wouldn’t suit me. I went for SC and love it. It came over from the states without any problems, in fact the longest leg of the journey was Aus Post getting it from the Melbourne airport to my door 😂
  22. Congratulations Mickey. Keep up the good work.
  23. Where in Aus are you based?
  24. Ha ha, I used a cricket ball personally (well being in Australia.....) I also notice a 1 piece belt. Are they sending kits out trimmed now as , mine came fully trimmed out of the box?
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