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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Dragon_a

  1. It is tempting. Ive never made anything like that before though.
  2. Now that is cool
  3. I have a wireless setup with the mic velcroed into the side of my bucket.
  4. Is it me, or does the squareness of the visor make you look like "angry scout"?
  5. Shipping in "spring 2018". And if you believe that I've got a bridge in london I'd like to sell to you....
  6. I'm slowly getting closer to putting in an application for Lancer and am now onto my holdout blaster. I have a 3D printed model, so the scope is hollow and so is the barrel. I know the screen used models were a solid lump of rubber so I've filled the above. My question is when it comes to painting does it need to be plain flat black to meet Lancer standard (as per those seen on screen) or can I add a little weathering for a bit of realism?
  7. From the pics coming out of D23 it looks like Anovos are going to be doing the full armour ensemble.
  8. The SC tank topper has a hole cut out to show the white through rather than a circle painted on. Does that mean the SC topper is not approvable for Lancer?
  9. Do you troop in them too or are they display only?
  10. You need 5 posts to be able to get on the trade forum.
  11. I left my laces in but didn't tighten them. After a couple of troops I've found that the dog bone has started to stretch upwards slightly, I'm assuming because they were all that held my foot in the boot as I walked. Since then I've now put a plastic toggle on the laces too, it takes the strain off the vinyl nicely.
  12. I used a set of these in mine https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/371923648359 Along with a foam knee pad from Bunnings cut to the size of the crown. https://www.bunnings.com.au/protector-tradesman-knee-pads_p5821223
  13. Thanks Mickey. Really appreciate your help.
  14. Ah, that's a great shot, thank you. I wasn't doubting your advice as to whether the cuts are needed at the front. Have any of you tried to recreate the pattern on the toe? If so, any advice as to the best way to go about it?
  15. Thanks, however you've made me go back looking for pics to see where the cuts stop and I found this: I'm not sure how well you can see in the pic, but it is taken from the pic that we all use as a main reference (the one with the holster on the left boot). Looking now, it looks to me like there are indents cut into the toe, similar to the pattern on the heel?
  16. Thanks guys, that's really encouraging. The help and support from this detachment is so good.
  17. I am beginning to get my armour ready to apply for Lancer status, starting off with the sole cuts for my boots. Before I get busy with the knife I'd be grateful for some opinions.
  18. The female scouts I've trooped with have worn two piece undersuits.
  19. Hey mate. You made it í ½í¸Š
  20. Not got mine to try it yet. But most of the TKs with speakers I've seen mount it behind their chest piece without it sounding muffled.
  21. I have a wireless setup on order (should arrive today actually). My plan is to mount the Mic in the helmet with the speaker in the chest armour to avoid the "pouch sag".
  22. Is that an Altman?
  23. I got this cheap pair of knee pads from Bunnings https://www.bunnings...e-pads_p5821223 You can't see it on the pic but there is a piece of foam behind the plastic shell. I pulled this out and cut to size and used velcor to stick it to the crown. Then for the rest of the padding I got these: http://www.ebay.com/...=item281a49ee95
  24. This was exactly my take on it too. Interestingly there is a very similar, long running discussion over on the IOC based around the fact that in one scene in ROTJ at the Battle of Endor, a Navy Trooper can be seen holding an A280. The argument against adding the blaster to the CRL based on this scene is that (as they are unarmed) he probably picked up one of the Rebel commando's blasters.
  25. Before attaching the holster I wanted to try an idea I had for how to secure the Blaster into it while trooping. I attached a small round magnet to the blaster Which would then “pair up†with a strong magnet glued to the inside of the holster. As you can see it forms a firm enough bond for me to hold the holster upside down without it falling out. I then had an idea for how to stop the weight of the holster & blaster making the boot sag. I took another magnet which I sewed into the inside of the leg of my flight suit.
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