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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Most definitively - but it has to be one of mine ;-))
  2. I've made kind of a checklist for myself of all the accessories that are needed to complete a bikerscout build and fulfill the latest Lancer standards and thought it could be a useful overview for other guys just starting their build.
  3. As Stroker mentioned there are quite a few mods to do in order to get a decent looking helmet out of an vinyl DP lid. One thing I would add to that list is strenghtening the inside with fibreglass. If you want something that is ready out of the box Chef's helmets are quite nice and very reasonably priced.
  4. LOL, I know. You see, originally I never planned to make the whole armor but collaborate with another prop maker where I give the specifications and he executes them. Unfortunately he proved to be unreliable and the work he did came short of my expectations so I decided to make everything myself. I really appreciate the support from you guys and hopefully I'll be able to offer some Kits in the future. However, my initial goal was and still is to inspire a "strive for accuracy" (sounds a bit corny, doesn't it?) in the hope that other makers up their game. Cheers
  5. Allrighty, I'm finally done I've pulled a kit (trimmed and cutted) for a buddy to see how it comes out: Accessories kit: While I'll plan some more updates in the future I'm happy how it all came out at the moment. The high gloss acrylic capped 2mm ABS is cool stuff and really durable. Almost too nice to give it some of that Endor look - but just almost ;-) I won't be taking any orders atm but if I do one I'll let you guys know!
  6. Last but not least the thermal detonator. Reference picture: While I still searching for the larger greeblie (Ferrari 312T4 and a Boussh greeblie for the larger part) I decided to go ahead with the old one and change it at a later point. I really like to work with wood to make a prototype and mold it in plaster later on (easier to vaccum form). First pull
  7. One other part I've never been satisfied with was the upper arm armor. Most makers make the form that envelops the greeblie to edgy and not rounded and flowing like the originals. Moreover, since the lower greeblie has not yet been found, the fan made greeblies varied quite a bit from the real thing. My aim was to tackle both of those issues. This is what we're looking for: Upper greeblie: Upper and lower greeblie: After going through some test&trial versions, this is what the final upper arm armor lookes like: EDIT: Here is a link to a further update I made to the upper arm armor >>> http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15980&view=findpost&p=164138
  8. Hey Boris, if you are on Facebook look up 'Wolfpack Advance Recon team'. It's the German Pathfinder outpost. Cheers
  9. First off, Happy New Year my fellow Treedodgers! By way of a New Year's resolution I've decided to "finish what I started" and do the whole armor I never found a holster that really satisfied me so let's continue with this part. As usual I followed 3 simple steps: 1. References, references, references (in that order!) 2. Find some scrap wood and some plaster 3. Do it! Starting with number one, this is what we are aiming for: 2. Do some prototypes: 3. Heat up the oven and bake a new holster. Thanks for looking
  10. Okay, here a couple of things that stand out for me: - The pouches seem to be a bit too large overall and the flap at the bottom should only be around half the witdh of the pouch. - add more padding to the CB to make the ribs more visible. Make sure there are only 5 chambers (I can't really tell on the picture) - I'd increase the witdh of the cod piece at the top. The bottom section should have a width of a bit more than 2 inches. Generally it all has to fit together with your individual armor and size so I would always suggest to test fit it with the armor on. Hope that helps. Cheers
  11. Ebay, but they were listed under a slightly different name.
  12. I recently snagged a pair of bikerscout boots on ebay. As you can see not the originals but one of the cameo derivatives. Also (as on all original bikerscout boots found to date) the ridge at the heels is missing. Still I thought this could serve as a nice reference for some trying to emulate the groves.
  13. Welcomce to the B.SN, Patrick!
  14. Nice comparison, but it would be more easy to see if you would use the 'insert as img' option. Cheers
  15. Here you go: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15980&view=findpost&p=145701
  16. Just would like to second Retrofire and Nexous have been saying. Even if there are strong indications the burden of proof rests on the prosecution. Thus I would like to ask you to provide comparison pictures to support your claim so that our members don't just have to take your word for it but can draw their own conclusions. Thanks.
  17. Finally managed to put my scout on an mannequin:
  18. Thanks, Dart. Would love to do that but I don't make the armor just a few parts. To clarify on the helmet; this is just a personal project to achieve higher accuracy (no offerings) as I used John's Lonewolf helmet as a base with his consent. Cheers
  19. Welcome, bro!
  20. The helmet is often the most prominent part of the costume. After going through numerous iterations I can finally say I'm pretty happy how it came out. The helmet is made out of 2mm pinseal ABS just like the original helmets. When taking comparison shots with a camera angle, distance, lighting can make a huge difference. The pictures that are out there of screen used helmets are often from a very near distance so I used some shots from the EFX Legend helmet (coming from the original molds) as a comparison. Inside comparison against a screen used helmet:
  21. 2 armourers and 'almost' the same answer, lol. But seriously, this should neither affect basic nor Lancer approval. Edit: I'll try to upload some reference pictures later to exemplify.
  22. 1/3 sounds pretty good. It varies a bit on the screen used helmets. There are also some where only the inner area of the snout is painted black but I prefer to paint them with a small overlap as well. Cheers
  23. But keep in mind that the SC dimensions are not prop accurate ;-)
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