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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. Punisha I had the same experience with the tracking number. But CB is a reliable vendor who makes quality stuff. You just have to be patient because customs holds things up.
  2. I had the tank topper pushed all the way forward so I could do the one rivet through the plastic. A lot of people extend the back bump with a piece of ABS plastic to make it easier. Check Pandatrooper's build thread to see this.
  3. Two. I spray painted them flat black and then attached them to the TD tubing with zip ties.
  4. Oh yes, I did have to change out the clips for the TD. They just weren't happening. Got these instead: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003IWPDY0/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. Wow they really stepped on the gas for that one.
  6. And wait. And wait. And wait. And wait. And wait....... Just add a month of two to whatever time frame they give you.
  7. SC puts together a great package. Pretty much everything you need in one box
  8. Well, well, look who showed up! Glad to see you over here with the scouts!
  9. Dude, your blaster is pretty dang cool. It might be a little bit bigger than the standard blaster, but with my big meathooks I find the standard blaster to be too small. Good job.
  10. Hmm, no Red Kap is a different company. Not sure if those pockets are going to line up in the same way. I had a Dickies suit and I ended up returning it because I liked the fit of the Red Kap better. But I didnt have it long enough to know if the bund and armor cover the pockets the same way as they do the Red Kap. You might have to stitch them up.
  11. The armor isn't going to be as much as an issue as the soft goods. If you lose 20 lbs (and congrats for embarking on that goal) that will most likely affect the size of your undersuit, bund and flak vest. I'd work on the armor while losing the weight, and just make sure you can adjust the chest piece velcro accordingly when you size down.
  12. Is that a Red Cap suit? If so, those side pockets don't show once you get all the gear on.
  13. The amount that comes standard from Tandy Leather was enough for two scouts. At least two scouts my size (6'0, 175lbs) http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/search/searchresults/9122-21.aspx
  14. Just take this time to make sure the rest of your costume is perfect. Then when the bucket comes you'll be good to go! I finally received my KS bucket and was a Pathfinder about a week later.
  15. Heh, and you'll get a free gift!
  16. It took me about 3 months to get mine. And that was after several, not-so-pleased emails. They are terrible at communication. I had better luck reaching them through their Facebook page than through emails. On the plus side, they said the hold up was due to them having to re-do their molds. So I guess we have better buckets than the last few pulls.
  17. You're not kidding. I've already got my weekend planned out with all the little things I want to adjust
  18. All done! Got my TK-ID confirmed today
  19. Got my congratulatory email late last night, so I'm in! Just waiting for confirmation on my TB-ID and then I will be a full fledged Pathfinder! Here's the photos I submitted with my application. There are a couple of details that could be better, but nothing that stopped me from being accepted: http://s766.photobucket.com/user/Mickey_Lee_Bukowski/library/501st%20Related Thanks for all the help, everyone!
  20. Looks pretty good! Have to see the pics of the one you receive
  21. A Google search takes you right to them. I ordered from them and got the decals within a week.
  22. School him!
  23. Mixing drinks in full uniform is important
  24. Totally understand. Thanks for the suggestions!
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