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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. On behalf of the Pathfinders Command Staff, I would like to welcome Wayne, TB-9963 "Ranger Zee" to the ranks of the Lancers! We gave Wayne a long list of fixes and he handled it all like a pro. Thanks for your dedication! Be sure and get a photo to Cheyenne "Forest Ranger" so she can add you to the Lancer Wall
  2. Attention! New officer on deck! Congrats to Andrew Work, ST-70022 "Work", for being the first Shoretrooper in the Legion! And now Andrew has joined Pathfinders Command Staff as our new Armourer in charge of the Shoretrooper. He will be joining Chef (Biker Scouts) and Grumpy (Kashyyyks) as the go-to for that respective costume.
  3. Looking good! Try using a photo hosting site like photobucket to store your pics and then post the links here.
  4. Yeah not at all. There are definitely better options out there for armor. And welcome!
  5. Congratulations to TB-27378, "mrrikki" on his promotion to the rank of Lancer! Be sure to get a photo to Cheyenne ("Forest Ranger") for addition to the Lancer Wall. Good job, now get out there and make us proud!
  6. Well done, Rikki, you got it! Two things - just watch the bunching of the codpiece. It's fine in your first pic so I'm good with it, but you might want to watch the codpiece strap length Second, make sure when you submit your photo for the Lancer wall, you don't have any squad markings on your shoulder bells! Congrats
  7. Also would probably be a party foul if going for Lancer....
  8. Looking good, Rikki! I'll get with the rest of command and see what the verdict is!
  9. Get in touch with BS.n member Chef. He is an armor maker in England
  10. I've trooped in Southern California heat of 100 degrees with no fans. They knew what they were doing when they designed this lid and the air ventilation is very, very good
  11. On behalf of the Pathfinder Command Staff, it is my pleasure to welcome Wayne (TB-20074 "Whereswa11y") to the ranks of the Lancers! Wayne, make sure you get a photo to Cheyenne (Forest Ranger) so she can add you to the Lancer Wall. Congrats and make us proud!
  12. That would depend on your local GML, since it is your garrison that handles approval. I imagine with the Rogue One premiere coming up, they would fast track certain costumes.
  13. Yes! The LMOs have it right now and we are awaiting their final review Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk
  14. I had a hard hat liner in my RS Props helmet for awhile. It kept giving me a headache and I ended up removing it and putting helmet pads in instead.
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