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Detachment Costume Advisor
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Everything posted by Jakeputt

  1. Here is my holdout blaster. Please Verify whether or not it will be approved.
  2. I need some help! I will be acquiring a Studio Creations armor kit in the next couple of weeks. This journey is 4 to 5 years in the making. I have been acquiring different pieces and am finally at the point of getting my armor kit. I am very nervous about screwing up my kit or making straps too long or not making them long enough. Can I get some guidance on a good thread for a newbie to all of this stuff? I have searched online and saw some online instructions at youtube and I have also seen the instructions on the SC website. I am wondering if the instructions follow the guidelines to be approved with the 501st. I figure that they do I just wanted to make sure, better to be safe than sorry. I have purchased an Altmans Barn Find Helmet, I have all the soft pieces acquired, I made the boots but need to fix a couple trouble spots. The late Griffon used to be such an amazing liaison that has helped me up to this point. I hope that I can find another Biker Friend to help me through the finish line. I look forward to being a part of this amazing band of brothers FINALLY!
  3. Thank you all for you input! Who would be a good person to talk to or where would be a good place to go to get instruction on making my armor dirty?
  4. I am interested in using this medic sigil on my scout build. It would be placed on my left shoulder bell and the left side of my tank. Would I negate passing if I were to do so? I work in Healthcare and medicine means a great deal of who I am, so I wanted to express it in my kit.
  5. How does it look so far? Since I basically have all the soft parts accounted for.
  6. Hey there, I have been on Pathfinders for a couple years. I have been building my kit for that duration of time. I finally got my cummerbund yesterday. All I gotta do is get the cashola to buy the hard pieces and I will be complete! I will be dis-joining the suspenders so that the leather and silver parts aren't shown so apparent in the back.
  7. this is the blaster that came! I love the thing its AWESOME!
  8. I really appreciate all your feedback. I hope to have an updated pick of my kit in the next couple of weeks. Just waiting to get my cummerbund back from a seamstress that I commissioned to create it.
  9. It looks like the Altmann bucket is really the best choice.
  10. I didn't see it, where's the thread
  11. I am interested in a great hold out blaster like darth vorhees. Rubber so that it can withstand lots of abuse. Where are some good places to pick one up that is level 2 certified? I would buy from Vorhees but I need it before his next production run
  12. Can you give me pricing for the Altmann helmet? I have already PM'd him. I live in the states, also how long does it usually take him to get it sent out.
  13. So many options to buy a helmet, I am very intimidated by the idea of building my own helmet. Therefore I will be buying my helmet, I have heard from many sources that Kropserkel is great, then people also tell me that the Studio Creations Helmet will be the best option for me. Others have told me that Far Away Creations is also a fantastic helmet. Then Christian Cuckblack is saying how his is the most movie accurate out of all the helmets. What helmet do you have and is it Lancer approved? I have a big head and would like something that is proportionate with my frame.
  14. Where did you get your buckets from and would it work for a guy with a big head? I'm also looking for lancer status as well.
  15. I have found a local garrison seamstress who will be assisting me in creating my Cummerbund, Flak Vest and sewing the riding patch and back flap onto my flight suite. What are some things I want to keep in mind with each of those things if I am looking at Lancer Status? I am also curious to know if there is a problem with whether or not I adhere the cummerbund to the flak vest via velcro or if I could use suspenders too keep the bund up, and if Lancer prefers one above the other.
  16. What did you use to paint your bucket?
  17. I will let you know what happens with Christians lid. Like I said in the forum I give people the benefit of the doubt. He seems pretty legit. Its just hard trying to have a successful business when it is only you. I know this from personal experience.
  18. Is it easier to get Lancer status with Far away creations than it is with studio creations?
  19. I am considering on buying my kit from either far away creations or studio creations I am trying to find the pros and cons of each The vendor I am buying my bucket from is creating it out of fiberglass and indicated it doesn't come painted. What kind of paint do I use on fiberglass?
  20. See, I've been looking at those images and reading all those standards and they are very vague. It just says Must have a suede or faux suede butt flap attached above the waist hidden by the cummerbund, rectangle in shape. The flap is slightly narrower than the width of the trooper and stop slightly higher than the bottom edge of the troopers backside. Suede or faux suede thigh patches must be present, extending over the flight suit crotch and down the front finishing above the knee armor. The thigh patches must be secured by 50mm (2") black elastic, sewn in under the front and back of the thigh patch. I feel that my backside flap meets the criteria specified. But the riding patches don't say anything about size.Or what they should be shaped like. That also indicates finishing ABOVE the knee armor. In the image that was supplied it clearly goes under the knee armor. I think it looks a lot better that way too.....
  21. I've heard people say the patch should be 1 piece and some say patch should be 2 which way is better for the build?
  22. Is there any location that has specifics on anything? It seems like most the info I'm reading is generalized until after the fact where I read a line needs to be 3/8th" from the top. I would like to obtain that instruction before making the mistake. Where's the more specific info?
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