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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Thank you for your patience Sebastien, the team have agreed everything falls under the guidelines and are happy to approve you as a Lancer, your profile will be upgraded presently. Congratulations and welcome to the ranks.
  2. Looking forward to the progress, good luck
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the ranks trooper
  4. Hi Robert just checking in to see if you have made any updates
  5. Hello and welcome aboard
  6. Normally the 3M bolts have an indent, recess, taper in the centre. We will confer and get back to you soon.
  7. We have reviewed and we can't quite make out the detail on your helmet bolts, could you please measure them and also provide a photo showing they have an indent. From CRL: â—¾Gray 3M bolts or replicas of in the helmet. (Visible bolt head diameter of 22mm).
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the ranks
  9. Thank you for your application, the team will review and get back to you
  10. Thank you for your application, the team will review and get back to you
  11. Nick, thanks for your application and for making the requested changes. The team has awarded you the rank of Lancer, your profile will be updated shortly. Please send an action pic to Cheyenne (Forest Ranger) and we'll get you added to the wall!
  12. Thank you we will get back to you once we have reviewed.
  13. Thank you for the updates we will require another set of photos from you fully kitted up please.
  14. Hello and welcome aboard
  15. Thank you, we will get back to you soon
  16. The team has reviewed and are happy with most of your rework but can not see a lot of change with the width of your vest sleeves, they are still also covering your bicep armor, if you could address these. Before and after comparison
  17. Thank you for making the modifications, we will get back to you once the team has reviewed
  18. Hello and welcome aboard
  19. Thank you for your patience, the team have reviewed and ask that you make the following changes: - Shoulder bells should rotate and come a bit closer to the shoulder bridges - But flap looks a little long and covering leg elastic - Drop boxes too low they are covering leg elastic - Cod elastic loose - Pouches could do with an iron - Blaster has a lot of silver weathering, generally they are not weathered - Could we have a close up of your helmet screws
  20. Thank you for your patience, the team have reviewed and ask that you make the following changes: - Drop boxes are on an angle on sides, they are tilting backwards, should be level - The vest sleeves are too wide (need to be reduced in diameter) and should not cover the upper arm armor - Cod section at the bottom is on an angle, may just be tight elastic, also looks small, may just be the belt covering, try to reposition - Thigh elastic at different heights - Shoulder canvas straps look like they could come forward, may just be were the cut of the armor
  21. Nice work, good luck, just keep an eye on those biceps
  22. Great news, looking forward to the progress
  23. You application is still being discussed we will post feedback once it has been fully reviewed. Thank you for your patience.
  24. Thank you for your submission we will get back to you once your application has been reviewed
  25. I would also advise checking with your GML (garrison membership liaison) ultimately he/she will be the one looking over the armor for approval.
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