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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Congratulations and welcome to the ranks of Vanguard
  2. Congratulations trooper, well done
  3. Yes the circuit board fits in the base handle, wiring is wound like a spring and is longer in the inner pipe so it will extend.
  4. Congratulations trooper and welcome to the Lancer ranks
  5. Welcome aboard, good luck in your respective positions
  6. Great work team, a much easier resource should help new scouts immensely
  7. Down under times: WA 1am QLD 3am SA 3.30am NSW 4am VIC 4am TAS 4am
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the Lancer ranks trooper
  9. Congratulations Mickey
  10. Best wishes everyone, hope it's a better year for all
  11. Congratulations and welcome to the Lancer ranks trooper
  12. Thanks for the kind words Peter
  13. Unfortunately no images, the electronic board from the cheap lightsaber is only a small rectangle, fits in the end cap, added a 3 x AA cylinderical battery pack so that fits in the staff as well. There are wires running between the grips and inner pipe that go to the switch and AV jack. In the end is a HI bright blue LED, just two wires there all the way up the center, I had to add extra wire and coil it so it wouldn't catch when the shaft is extended. Couldn't have done it without your files, rare someone makes files and doesn't try to cash in, you Sir are a gentleman Cheers Mickey, I think we need some awards around here, Justin definitely deserves if for his kind share
  14. Thanks to the free files from MrPoopie I thought I'd give a JFO Riot Baton a go. I've missed taking photos of the boring bits, printing, glue, spray putty, sand, prime, sand then paint, I get a little carried away and forget about photos. Here it is assembled I like all of my weapons have to have lights and sound and although I've not played the game or know the actual sound one makes I know the lighting is blue. I tried some blue EI wire and it looked pretty silly, also tried some blue print filament in the end which was ok but really didn't light that well. So in the end I stripped down an old lightsaber, removed the electronics and started fitting them inside the baton. The end was great to hide the speaker in BUT you can barely hear it. So as I do to all my weapons, external jack added, a cable runs up my arm around the chest and to the aker amp, now this is a little more like it. I know it's not 100% screen accurate but the younglings won't care and it's going to be nice and loud at the next convention (eventually when we can have one)
  15. Congratulations trooper
  16. Congratulations and welcome to the Lancer ranks trooper
  17. Thanks for the info and updates
  18. Congratulations Boss
  19. Okay not a problem! Get well, man. Cheers Mickey, hope it's not too long before I can get back to this
  20. Not as yet Mickey, hands haven't recovered as well as expected so it's on the back burner
  21. Condolences to his family and friends
  22. Congratulations trooper and welcome to the Lancer ranks
  23. Sorry to hear that you are stepping down Stefan, thank you for all of your work. Welcome to the role Melody and good luck.
  24. Congratulation trooper and welcome to the Lancer ranks
  25. Congratulations and welcome to the lancer ranks trooper
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