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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Here's to another great year
  2. Can't say I've seen any really decent files, nothing that has been approved, but that's not saying they aren't out there. Most have either been using the Anovos or converting Black Series helmet. Denuo Novo helmets are apparently shipping or close to. Just watch out for the obvious differences, clip size/detail, recess area, taller nose/pointier and 7 teeth. I use the propstore images for reference when comparing https://propstoreauction.com/lot-details/index/catalog/138/lot/28672 Just a quick search and this popped up, doesn't look too bad at a quick glance https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/other/star-wars-the-last-jedi-tlj-storm-trooper-ep8-helmet Here's one a few have been printing on FISD https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/other/star-wars-tlj-storm-trooperhelmet-chest-shoulder-armour-ep8 but most that have printed the armor have converted Black Series helmets
  3. Plus one for shin and knee files pretty please
  4. Congratulations trooper, an impressive total
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the ranker ranks trooper
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the Lancer ranks trooper
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the Lancer ranks trooper
  8. I made mine out of standard webbing, not the shinny looking, more fabric. Hand made the metal clips from screen images. But this was for a Stormtrooper
  9. Congratulations and welcome to the lancer ranks trooper
  10. Condolences to his family, friends and garrison, buckets off
  11. Always amazing to see details on costumes that still comes to hand from a movie almost 40 years old. Great work.
  12. Some references DLT-19 Original ANH DLT-19X all black stocks
  13. Congratulations trooper
  14. Congratulations trooper
  15. Congratulations Dennis
  16. Congratulations Justin best of luck in the new role
  17. Looks like I'm going to have to add a shield to the ensemble, straps around the boots too by the looks of it
  18. Sorry to hear this, thank you for your service Pete. Congratulations Corey, may you have a trouble free run
  19. Congratulations Ranger
  20. Just pointing out the differences. Yes FISD don't see these as minor What happens here can be a completely different story and yes there are differences in OTTK helmets too between makers, but personally I would still try to look as close to screen accurate, but that's me
  21. I don't think you will be able to use the TFA helmet, there are definite differences, TROS use the same helmet from TLJ, some differences between the helmets, clips, size, position and teeth, mouth and nose. Some references for you TFA TLJ/TROS/ Stormtrooper - Treadspeeder driver Side by side Clips, size and recessed area
  22. Condolences to his garrison, family and friends, buckets off
  23. Congratulations trooper
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