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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by bwattsup

  1. Once you've uploaded your photo(s) to photobucket, click on the image you want to display here. On the right hand side will be a box with different types of file links. Click on the "direct" link, and it will copy the address automatically. In the thread you would like to post in, start a reply. On the top left corner of the box will be a toggle editing mode button. Click on that, and a button will pop up called image along with many other buttons. Once the image button is clicked, a pop up box will appear. Paste the "direct" link in the space provided. Press enter.
  2. That's a pretty reasonable explanation. Thanks for explaining that Jim. I'll flip mine when I get the chance again.
  3. Breaking it down all scientific like! Thanks for doing the research on that John. Totally above and beyond.
  4. Awesome man! Good luck. Can't wait to see you reap the rewards of your labor!
  5. The boots are looking much better Jake!
  6. I'd submit the pictures to your GML Jim. I think it looks great! For some reason I think the shape of SC shoulder bells just don't agree with broad shoulders. The curve on the top of the bells is much harsher than MC's (which are a gradual curve). Get your approval bro, and start enjoying the ride
  7. Here you go Tim. Hope it helps
  8. If you use the "Direct" link on photobucket, it'll post the image when you link it here Tristan. As for the shape, I'd round the corners more and taper the top upwards to the center more. I made a reference collage shot on pixlr to help you out a little bit. This lens on this screen used helmet is a bit assymetrical, but will give you a good reference point.
  9. I've got my greeble flipped like the "shoulder tap scout" too Mattias. It shouldn't stop you from getting cleared for basic approval. I'm pretty sure that detail is only for Lancer. I've never seen a good explanation of why that orientation matters when it's clearly both ways in the movie.
  10. No problem. I can't seem to find the reference picture I used, but I have it at home (currently at work). I'll post it later for you Tim.
  11. The chevron shape on the cod should be slightly rounded instead of pointy like an arrow.
  12. The boots themselves should be fine once you peel up the vinyl. Unfortunately, the vinyl is probably toast since it's going to have whatever adhesive you used attached to the back of it. It probably would have a hard time stretching with that already applied.
  13. Ouch! That looks rough. On the bright side, you've got your first bit of weathering Jim. Maybe try one of those magic eraser cleaning pads on it.
  14. Lol @ bleeding eyes, and burnt retinas Andry. I know that feeling all too well. Tristan - make a note to self on taking pictures in the future. When you're trying to make a comparison picture, it's always best to stand away from the object and then zoom into it. Close shots (arm length) always distort/warp the image. You'll be comparing apples to oranges otherwise. Also, you might not want to ask "Did I get it right?" too much to your wife. Eventually she'll just say yes so she can reclaim her husband.
  15. SC has stealth armor sets for sale. http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html
  16. Congrats Nicholas! Looking good!
  17. Big box time is the first of many great feelings in store for you Steve. Look forward to seeing your progress.
  18. Looks like a perfect boot choice Tristan The little line all the way around the top is even advantageous. It will help keep the top cuts uniform. My boots were like that too. Have fun on your boot build.
  19. I think Tristan's only talking about where there's paint weathered off of Jim's screenshot. I think your new greeblie looks great Jeff
  20. The Altmann is a great bucket, but will still need modifying to some degree. Decals and bolt covers at a minimum. I have one and love it. Talk to Spike here on BSN if you're interested in going that route. I can't personslly say yeah or nea on the NI, but the horror stories I've heard about KS through the years kept me steered clear of them.
  21. I was getting ready to send you a message since we hadn't heard from you in awhile. Glad to see you back again Jim.
  22. I'd replace all the decals with a set from trooperbay Jamie. The Altmann bucket decals are a very dark blue gray, compared to the lighter decals you're seeking. You want the forehead set to match the nose, snout backplate, rear vent decals, and the 3M bolts on the visor. Heres a before and after shot of my Altmann. You'll notice the color difference in the bottom picture. I changed my snout greeblie as well since I had one that was a little more detailed.
  23. Have fun then. If you can tackle that, then the soft parts are much easier. You can always remove thread and start over if you don't like the way something looks. It's much more forgiving.
  24. If you've got no abilities for the soft parts, I'd highly suggest staying away from Pep as well. That takes some true skill for that to come out right....and lots and lots of time.
  25. You can do it for a lot less than $1300 if you're willing to tackle the soft parts and boots yourself. Best of luck on your build.
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