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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by chimei

  1. i waited to trim and round off my shoulder bells until my bund was done too. then i set the chest/back armor. once that was done, i trimmed it off keeping in mind that the bell ends at the spot where the chest armor "swoops" back under the arm. i've noticed many scouts with longer bells, so at first i thought mine were too short. but comparing them to the screen caps all over the boards, it's where they need to be. as so many people have said before - measure twice (or more), cut once. it's coming along really well...nice job
  2. I'm interested in these as they could be cut easily and slipped in where they need to be. My question is how to adhere them? Could I use UGlue? Or is there something that might be easier to remove if i needed to replace the pads? Suggestions?
  3. the pants were way too long, so i removed the white cuffs on the legs, but the sleeve ones are covered by the gloves so i left them alone as well
  4. you may not have access to everything until you get an official designation, clearance from your GML, etc. but i believe you should be able to see the post by witness http://forum.bikersc...?showtopic=5118 that has all the mods you will need to make. it was very helpful for me as i have a KS as well. if you can't see it, you can always ust read the "build" threads...as folks post the info on changing the snout, bolts, decals, etc.
  5. pocket flap? pants? if you're talking about the boxes that lay on your thighs, the "THIGH BOXES" are plastic and come with any kit you might buy. the "POUCHES" are fabric and made to sit on the bund just below the chest armor. these are the ones that are about 7.5x6 and have pocket flaps. which are you questioning? if it's the pouches, i used the 7.5x6 pattern and they were a little too big on me...so i took 1/2" off adn they were perfect size fo rme - and i'm 5'11"
  6. what's the weight of it? i've seen others doing wooden blasters.
  7. elastic should be inside because you can't ensure it isn't shown when the TD moves out of the way...and i've never seen a screen cap where it was on the outside. maybe someone else has one, but i've not seen it. also, i have my pouches velcroed to the chest armor. they move with me (not that there's a lot of moving anyway) and never "sag" or hang too far below the armor. nice and simple. makes washing, etc. very easy as well
  8. super helpful...thanks!
  9. mine is two-sided taped as well...it's a little bit of a snug fit (1-2mm too big for the MC TD)...so the two-sided tape gives it just the right amount of room to help if fit into place.
  10. my understanding is that clearance for pathfinder is possible with a couple variations. however, since we know the actual screen used piece, there's little reason not to buy it and get it right from the get go. the screen identified piece is about $6 from DJ on ebay...and it looks great. i suggest just getting it...it won't be wrong to have it...and better than changing it later
  11. hadn't thought of lowering the trimming! good idea.
  12. those are the ones i have. i used the tutorial and these were an option, but the specs have changed, and for good reason i'm guessing all of us with these will need to do some modding to get lancer now. i'm going to try sanding the pinkish strip to dull it, then adding paint, etc to distress it. we'll see how it turns out.
  13. hi... so i'm looking to rework my boots. since the new Lancer specs were posted, i've been examining what i have. it looks like the tutorial option for base boots will likely not pass muster for Lancer. as was suggested, i will try "weathering" the soles so that the color is "hidden" and not noticable. however, i'm looking for a back up option. so, does anyone know of a work boot that has a sole of a single color rubber? the only one i have found is by wolverine boots, but they are far too expensive for me to glue vinyl too. i found these by texas steer http://www.kmart.com...r=1322698868593 i've noticed many women's work boots are made with a single color sole. anyone know where to get a woman's size 13? suggestions or thoughts?
  14. if you have trouble getting the TD greeblie, you can still get approved for pathfinder (as MOM doesn't have them) but if you want lancer, or any version from the actual films, you'll need to add them.
  15. i agree. you could probably trim 1/4" off the bottom of the shoulder bell - maybe even 1/2" (better to start with less and see how it looks...can't put it back). you might also be able to take 1/4" off the top of the biceps as well. the forearms could just be slip down closer to the top of the gloves. sliding your belt down as griffin-x stated will "add" height to your scout...adding a little space between the pouches and the belt. if you're feeling adventurous, you could also make the pouches about 1/2" smaller all around. i'm 5'11", but the accurate pouch measurements looked too big on me, so i took 1/2" off and now they "fit" perfectly. lastly, the fish hook is missing on the left side of the visor. you're looking great...a couple tweeks and you're set. nice job
  16. question: when you put the black elastic through the sides to attach to the chin strap, what did you do with the free ends of the elastic? how did you "connect" them? would love some pics as i'll be getting back aroudn to working on my LW soon
  17. i agree with griffinX. the wait was painful, but keep working on the armor while waiting and the time goes by quickly. in the end, you'll be so much happier. keep up the great work
  18. any pics? i know some folks have used hand irons or something like that...but don't have one, and not sure where to start. i was thinking that i could just buy some MC forearms and knees as they have something of a return edge...but it may look quite obvious that those two pieces "don't belong"...if i choose to remain only a TB, i may upgrade to a full MC set next summer
  19. so i'm wondering about the two variations of the forearm plates. MC and KS seem to be much more squared-off than the SC. is it worth trying to mod my SC pieces to be more square?
  20. right now i have an elastic strap attached with velcro...i have SC armor so the rivet is a tough fit. the second strap makes a big difference in keeping it in place (i hate it sliding toward the inside of my knee). it'll do until i get around to "feeling comfortable" adding the rivet for the new lancer specs...
  21. that's interesting. i assume most shoe repair places could easily replace rubber soles as they often do this. looking forward to a 10.5 US pair...hint, hint!
  22. hi bud... congrats on getting cleared. i just my designation last friday. i'll also be adding lancer specs in the next few weeks. the one thing that i would add may only be a limitation of the pictures you took. i can't tell if there are any alterations to the heal of your boots. if not, you'll need to cut those in to be lancer (unless that is changing - but as they are clear in the screen caps, i can't imagine them changing). here is the link to my boot alterations. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8711 best of luck
  23. ok. i'll admit it - i don't know that GM stands for
  24. well, shrank the puches, lowered the thigh boxes, painted the white spot on the tank topper and kept the four thick stripes and submitted the new pics to the GML. he cleared me and sent it all on to 501st...so now the wait begins for the designation. hoping it's only a couple days. thanks for all the feedback...appreciate it
  25. i did the same thing.
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