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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Cheers Marielle! Good to see you smile - be proud of your progress!
  2. Looks great! Get those end caps on there and your all set.
  3. Looks fine to me. Can you post a pic showing it length-wise (like mine above)?
  4. The color looks really good man. Excellent.
  5. Bienvenido a la página bikerscout.net!
  6. Great work so far Marielle! You are so very close now!
  7. I would say beltline of the pants since that's about where it's attached on a one-piece.
  8. I'm in Texas or I'd stop on over! But, if you need some help, tips, tricks, etc...just send me a PM.
  9. NP, anytime! Basically, any old piece of ABS plastic cut into a rectangle would do it. Hopefully the double-sided tape will raise it up enough.
  10. Hey there...my kit is KS and the TD is a bit larger. I think you are on the right path by putting something underneath the greeblie. Maybe an ABS strip and/or double sided tape. Provided you have the greeblie and it looks good, you should be fine. Hope that helps!
  11. You are getting closer Marielle! Keep it up!
  12. Hey there...best to post a pic of what you are working with on your end. IMO...contact SC and see if you can get a holster from them. I'll PM you some details...
  13. CONGRATS Adam! Time to go dodge some trees...! My setup is KS (armor and helmet).
  14. Very nice! I chose to glue the whole dogbone down.
  15. http://www.kropserkel.com/imperial.htm
  16. Looks great Adam, congrats on your build. The only feedback I can offer is to add webbing on the join spot for your chest/back parts. It's typically 2" nylon webbing or other clothe, wrapped around where the chest and back come together at the top.
  17. Not a bad job overall. The "flap" or dogbone is shaped a little different (see below), but still should be fine.
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