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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Heck, if you are willing to do that, I think they would be even more awesome!
  2. Top notch work Marcel! It should be an awesome base for your mold and a very cool blaster for events!
  3. Well, when you get it casted, I'll definitely want one.
  4. Ya, agree with the fellas above. Use hot glue, but not the crafting version. Get the industrial hot glue sticks from the hardware store. Much better...
  5. Great start on this costume. I agree with the above comments. If you have a clearer shot of the vest, that would help. You may just need to adjust the shoulders, biceps, and forearms to make them sit better. That may take care of the vest sleeves looking too long.
  6. Yep, least of your worries but I like that you think ahead!
  7. Wow, BSN on a Kindle...cool. Yeah, like stated above, MC is the better option.
  8. See below from the Biker Scout CRL: http://www.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_scout_trooper-suitdetail
  9. That is really looking sharp, I like how it's coming together Marcel!
  10. It's made of rotocasted vinyl, so if it gets hot it will warp. I've seen some really good mods to the helmet but it's pretty in depth and requires a lot of work just to get it approvable.
  11. I left the open pockets on the sides since they are not visible. Plus, you can carry keys, a phone, etc... I will send you a PM with more info on the neck enclosure.
  12. I have this Redkap jumpsuit and modified it for my costume. It only has 4 pockets, 2 in front and 2 in back, that can be removed very easily. I was able to modify the neck enclosure using one of the pockets I removed. It's a great, low cost option and is very durable.
  13. It's great for trooping and I also use it as a bench while I'm getting suited up. The other guys have posted good options too, all vary in price, but work about the same.
  14. You can pick them up for around $19 at Wal-Mart.
  15. I use a trunk from Wal-Mart. I have a few of these for other costumes. Works well...
  16. Looks really good. Make sure to slip your forearm parts down lower and extend a bit on the glove ends. The pouches look a bit big on your size, but not enough to matter, IMO. I have seen a lot worse, both in size and firmness. They are the right height and dont go past your belt. In the end, it comes down to your GML and what they approve. Maybe remove a bit of the filler/padding in them. Nice work all in all and great looking scout.
  17. You could take some 2" elastic and glue that along the underside of the chest and back parts. That will allow it to stretch a bit and then you can wrap it with the 2" webbing to cover the join.
  18. IMO...it's a no. The Imperial Scout Troopers (Biker Scout) did not wear these in the ROTJ movie. These were only used by the Sandtroopers in ANH. They are also used on some EU costumes in the comics like the Shadow Stormtrooper, Novatrooper, and Magma Trooper. So, it's just not part of our gear.
  19. Yep, you can add Velcro to the flak vest and corresponding cummerbund to keep from getting the dreaded "slippage". Some scouts use a strap method similar to suspenders too. I have tried both and prefer the Velcro method to hold it in place.
  20. I love how you did your belt Mark. That looks awesome. Greg - the rivets are okay for general approval but you should paint them as Chex pointed out. For Lancer approval, the belt should be done differently, like Mark's belt above, no rivets. I sent you a PM with more nfo...
  21. I sent you a PM with the DJ direct link and some suggestions. Make sure to check out the Biker Scout CRL (see below) as this is the best reference for building your costume. As for your list, here's what you need for approval: TD greeblies, cover chest/back join, flak vest, balaclava, butt flap, riding patch and elastic thigh straps. Once you get these adjusted/added, post up some pics and we'll help guide you. Biker Scout CRL: http://www.501st.com...B_Scout_trooper
  22. It's all good, I fixed it for ya. Looking pretty good, all-in-all. Make sure to pick up a balaclava too.
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