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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Good eye. Yep, #6 is from an older Sideshow scout. It's a DLT-19 minus the t-tracks.
  2. Gotcha. You know, then I'd use the trusty Dremmel.
  3. Typically, vest under the bund. The chest/back armor actually hides it though.
  4. Actually, the scissors I listed can cut a coin (quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies). It works great on the lens material.
  5. Chef (on this forum) makes a top-notch vest and also does cummerbunds. Good stuff...
  6. I'd use something like this (below). http://www.amazon.co...s/dp/B003N2J0JY Once you get it cut out, you'll need to use a heat gun (very carefully) to get the bend in the lens. KS Video showing bend:
  7. It's all good. At least we have options!
  8. Put the helmet on without the balaclava. Now, look in the mirror and talk. If you see your chin, a lot, the helmet is not tall enough. For me, I'm a 24" and the lid fit. But the height was not enough for my "tall" head. When I talked it looked ridiculous.
  9. I am the web guy for both and also a Shadow Scout. Let me know if you need any help.
  10. I own a pair from each maker. They are BOTH top notch!
  11. THAT is one serious scope! Your Snow Scout is cool too.
  12. I will attempt to help. Yes, KS is a decent option for "larger heads", but not the best. I'd go with an Altmann lid since the quality, customer service, and pull are MUCH better. You can read about them here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13442&hl=&fromsearch=1 The KS time frame is rather brutal, with lots of delays. See my response to #1 above... That's good, because if you go with KS (and even a pre-built kit), you'll be redoing A LOT of stuff. I have been down this road and know first hand. My current setup is KS armor with an Altmann helmet (I've had just about every helmet available). I'd go with SC for armor, personally... Go with SC, the quality and customer service are great and the time frame for delivery is really good. No, not IMHO. I'd roll with an SC kit for armor and an Altmann or MLCv3 helmet.
  13. Welcome to Bikerscout.net! Keep in mind the Shadow Scout belongs to the Spec Ops detachment, not the Pathfinders. http://www.501stspecops.com
  14. In my first scout, I used suspenders but they did not work very well and the straps can peak out. Today, I use Velcro on the vest that corresponds with Velcro on the bund. That prevents the dreaded "slippage".
  15. I made a Nerf Recon conversion carbine in 2011 and use it from time to time. Those Long Strike guns are realy cool, hope you have fun! The only rule is "not troopable at official Star Wars canon events", since it's not seen in the movies.
  16. Yep, I have 2 pairs of SA gloves. The WW version is practically identical.
  17. Your blaster is coming along nicely. And, glad you're on the mend.
  18. BSN members: This site exists as a resource for ALL THINGS Biker Scout. We have compiled TONS of resources, information, images, and knowledge in this site. The Command Staff function and operate as Moderators and "police" the site to keep things safe, friendly, and positive for ALL members. However from time to time, a member may not wish to be positive or even helpful with other members. As a result, things become negative, and it sheds a bad light on our forum Community. These negative elements will not be tolerated and will result in forum suspension and/or a ban. While I do not enjoy that process, it's a necessary aspect of running a forum. Please take a moment to review the BSN forum rules. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=1951 if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc...please let us know! For the Empire...TB-8455
  19. You know, it's been a while since anyone was suspended from the forum. We're trying to maintain a positive environment here, but that seems to elude you. As of this moment matt8199, you have been suspended. Rules of the Forest... http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=1951
  20. The costuming world is not for everyone. Some folks become very involved, learn a ton, and actually become "costumers". Others want to simply buy and wear the costume, and not really work on researching it, building it, and making it look accurate. If that's your preference, cool. There is totally nothing wrong with purchasing a costume and wearing it around. Most people call it "Halloween". I've seen them come and go... But, if you want to join an elite costuming group that loves Star Wars, believes in helping local communities/charities, and giving back to others, while striving towards an accurate standard of costuming -- then the 501st is for you trooper! Not all BSN members become 501st members, and that's totally okay. Since this thread has been answered and is really not helping anyone, I'm closing it down. We'd love to have you both as part of the community. But, as mentioned, this site and world may not be for you.
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