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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Congrats and welcome to the Pathfinders!
  2. It would have required altering the helmet. That, I did not want to do.
  3. The hard hat liner is a personal preference, but the screen used lids had them too. My hard hat liner went on very easily. I picked up the hard hat kit from Trooperbay, which includes the plastic bits required for mounting. Check out the vid below... http://trooperbay.com/hard-hat-liner-install/ As for the 3M bolt covers, I just used a Dremmel to shave the posts off; basically making them a flat round disk. And then E6000 to attach them to a flat head screw. It keeps 'em flat...
  4. It is ALWAYS on the right boot. The costume prop folks totally messed up on the book and blu-ray.
  5. For my Altmann - I added the 3M bolt covers (trimmed w/flat heads), TB decals, and a hardhat liner. The ears are cutout. Everything looks fits and functions marvelous. It's #350 out of 500.
  6. ...and the holster is on the wrong boot.
  7. The blu-ray image and "Gino says", don't hold much water. As mentioned, it's been a "long" standing debate. Most scout images we can capture do not show evidence of a neck seal. It's possible one was used on some scouts, but the scouts we see (mostly stunt men) did not have them. It could have been intentional, left out due to heat, or other constraints. But, again, not in the CRL. Please see this link: --> http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12273&hl=+neck%20+seal&st=20
  8. It's a long standing debate. However, no real proof either way. A balaclava that is bunched up looks the same. It's not part of the CRL so bottom line is "no neck seal".
  9. Yeah, it's all part of the gig.
  10. Yep, and there are A LOT of artist renderings online.
  11. The shoulder joins are similar to a TK. Also, the snout is different too.
  12. Reach out to Chef. He's a member of the CMD staff here and is part of the UK Garrison.
  13. "Goo Gone" works really well on paint without adverse affects. It's all natural with no solvents. http://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-18803/Cleaning-Supplies/Goo-Gone-12-oz-Spray-Gel?pricode=WY546&gadtype=pla&id=S-18803&gclid=CMC75aiElccCFQkFaQodYEEAxA&gclsrc=aw.ds "Citri Strip" is another natural product that works very well. I used this on an entire Tie helmet that "crinkled". You just spray it on, wait about 10 minutes, and the paint will literally wipe off. It's good stuff... http://hardwareonlinestore.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=1769&virtuemart_category_id=14101&gclid=CIuczc2ElccCFQkFaQodYEEAxA
  14. I did the same with mine, plus added 3M bolt covers. It's a marvelous helmet.
  15. This is the common Redkap that is used for the suit. It's about $25 US. http://www.automotiveworkwear.com/RedKap/CT10/coveralls.html
  16. The Lancer page has been updated! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  17. The Lancer page has been updated! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  18. As mentioned above, masking and the right tape make all the difference. For the top rounded part, you can use a 1oz shot glass as a template for your masking tape. That worked well for my lids...
  19. And if you are looking for the actual Lancers, take a look here --> http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
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