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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Ha, the super glue trick. That's EXACTLY what I did on my holster. Works great...
  2. He bought a CB lid, and I hope you get it man. That was a risky decision given the current situation. I agree too, SC armor all the way.
  3. The Lancer page has been updated! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  4. Pickup some e-6000 and some type of super glue like Gorilla Glue or similar. Testers gray and satin or flat black paint too. Beyond that, Industrial Velcro and a rivet gun with 1/8" rivets.
  5. Yep, that's exactly it. And, a closeup pic from the blu-ray too (notice it's on the wrong side). I think Jeff has got it nailed down.
  6. That's about it. Once you get the armor, start a WIP thread and post up your progress pics. The troops and members will guide you and assist with any questions. Of course, hit me up if you need anything.
  7. Joe is a super-trooper!
  8. When you have everything (whole costume) ready to go, and it's a good idea to get a review here first, you'll submit your pics to your local Garrison Membership Liaison (GML).
  9. It'll come down to your local Garrison GML. However, I doubt they will pass with the boot tops "as-is". If I were you, I'd follow Barry's advice and do them no more than 3/8" or so. If not, you may find yourself resubmitting approval pics. AND, that stinks.
  10. The bolt covers are fine for basic approval, but would need to be swapped out for Lancer. The nose and forehead decals were/are just a bit too dark. If the decals are closer to the lighter grey color, they should be fine.
  11. On the forum, there are (2) options that I know of: 1. KDW - http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10270&hl=&fromsearch=1 2. LW - http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=11224&hl=&fromsearch=1
  12. Not in Texas! You'll find the black version, with the grey part #! But, Lonewolf also makes a really nice 3m look-a-like. I picked a few up a while back and they are really nice.
  13. The decals can be found at Trooperbay.com. The 3M bolt covers are tricky and be sure you get the grey version and NOT the black version. Check out this thread: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10270&hl=&fromsearch=1
  14. There are 0 "out-of-the-box" helmets (or armors) that are 501st approved. ALL vendor or fan-made helmets currently require little changes to be 501st approved. These include: snout, decals, bolt covers, etc.
  15. Yeah, the KS parts I still have are bright white (chest/back, biceps, forearms, knees). And, I've done a lot of outdoor troops.
  16. No worries...we've come a long way as a detachment. When I joined up in 2011, things were different. We did not have the Blu-ray data and the TD bits were literally a blob. This is how the TD looked then:
  17. Great work Jake (on posting pics and on the boots)! I think they are stretched far enough, but let's see what the other scouts have to say...
  18. There are pros and cons both ways (some pics are one way, others another way). It's about being "uniform" across the detachment. So imagine at a convention...your standing with like 10 scouts all from different areas of the country or world. You casually look at their TD, and yours is the only one with that orientation. Regardless, it does not affect approval either way...
  19. First off, do not upload pics. Instead, use a free image hosting site like Photobucket. You upload the pics there, then reference the images here on BSN. That allows you to actually post the images for viewing. The boots are looking much better, btw,
  20. Go for it brother, you have earned the right to post it up. I'm totally interested.
  21. Pathfinder clearance meets all the basic 501st requirements for approval. The Lancer program goes for more screen accuracy and detail for your costume. It's a program offered by BSN for scouts who want to "step it up". If you achieve Lancer status, you will earn a profile badge and a place on the Lancer page.
  22. Follow the wise advice of Chunk and DVH. You guys are awesome scouts!
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