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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Those are snow scouts, with a super cool sniper rifle. Most likely based on fan art or a new fan art piece. Chef and Navajo Bro on this forum were some of the first guys to research and build this costume and corresponding CRL. However, that costume belongs to the Blizzard Force detachment.
  2. Okay, did you see the post from a Slave5 yesterday? He has Hyperfirm blasters readily available and for a super sweet price! Contact Lewis, like right now before they are gone! Seriously...!
  3. Spike can relay the whole story, but the new versions are available. And have been updated to be more screen accurate. He's added a new snout and more accurate decals and bolts. Spike also cuts the ears, provides a chin cup, paints the inside black, and the helmet has a numbered tag. Get 'em while you can!
  4. You need to work directly with Spike, as I will not quote a price. The price is very affordable though. I too live in the US and mine arrived within 3 weeks from AUS. Hope this helps Jake...
  5. Kev has some available here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10270&hl=&fromsearch=1
  6. Good to see you brother, and nice find!
  7. Joel, I hope your question has been answered. I know you also posted this same question on Spec Ops (I manage that site too and I'm a shadow scout). If you have any other questions, or thoughts, please let us all know. We're a great community of like-minded scouts!
  8. I have personally owned a KS, SC, MLC, and Altmanns. I chose the Altmanns due to the size, shape, and comfort. I'm also a proud owner of a Chef Shadow Scout helmet, but it's ALL MINE!
  9. Check out Spike's thread in the trade forum. The Altmann helmet, although a re-run as Chef mentioned, has been updated to be more accurate. It's an amazing helmet and the scouts (including myself) are very pleased with the product and the service from Spike. That's my personal recommendation, but you may hear many more... http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13442
  10. You should contact Chef (in the UK), or check out Spike's thread in the trade section (below). I do not recommend the NI helmet you are reviewing. We do not have anything positive on it, and most scouts avoid it. Hope this helps, but at the end of the day, do what you feel is best with your investment. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13442
  11. I know Marcel is moving, so that may be why. He posted about it in his thread. You could also hit up Chef, he too makes a nice bund. That's what I have for my scout.
  12. We will be here when you're ready!
  13. Did you contact Marcel (4505Marcel)? He's our detachment leader and makes a nice bund.
  14. I honestly think that needs to be updated. I have not seen a Lancer approved with that spec in some time. Most folks use a Hyperfirm or other screen-like blaster "as-is", which passes just fine. Best option is to send a PM to Marcel (4505Marcel) or Chex and see what they have to say about it. They handle the Lancer approvals.
  15. Well, since you are here on BSN - the scout! Boba Fett is awesome, but he's a "face character". Meaning, there is usually only (1) Boba Fett per event. Whereas, the scouts can be there in MASS. We're Stormtroopers, just specialized recon troopers. Plus, we're cool.
  16. Check out the trade section or send Spike (on this forum) a message. Great helmet and service!
  17. Welcome. You'll also need a cummerbund and flak vest, along with a balaclava.
  18. Keep in mind that although Panda did a wonderful job on his tutorial, he's not an approved Pathfinder. When in doubt, ask an approved scout or review the CRL.
  19. Looks good to me. How are you planning to cut them?
  20. Glad you dig it. Can't wait to see how yours turns out!
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