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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. It looks like a "New Image" helmet from the UK, made of fiberglass. What is the cost? http://www.newimage58.co.uk/
  2. Cool, so far everything is coming along nicely. Do you plan to cut the grooves in the boot soles, too?
  3. Looking good! The dogbone on the boots is a bit too long. It should stop before the sole, and not overlap. I'd trim that and reattach.
  4. I personally recommend the Altmanns helmet. It looks amazing, Spike delivers great customer service, and the turn around time is comparable to SC. The KS helmet will take at least 2-3 months to arrive and you'll be expecting much more than you would receive. Just my 2 cents...
  5. Dude, those look like the real deal. I'd say that was a golden investment.
  6. Okay, this thread has turned into an RS complaint thread. Although they have had some issues, it's not part of what BSN is all about. We do not endorse any vendor and only try to point out recommendations based on those vendors who have 1) contacted us, and 2) have a good reputation. RS does not advertise with BSN, nor do they offer any products for sale on our forum. As with ALL costuming gear, it's a "buyer beware" market. Do your research, ask questions, review threads, and at the end of the day, do what you think is best for your build. Therefore, this thread is now closed.
  7. I have extended this Poll through August. If you want to vote, have at it!
  8. Unfortunately, the prop maker who made that blaster went MIA back in 2011. I just got lucky and picked one up for sale before he left. Then, I sold it to Marcel, that's all. You can always contact Marcel and see if he'd like to part with it.
  9. They are no longer made. I had one and sold it to Marcel on this forum. And, you can carry whatever you want provided it's not an official Star Wars canon event and/or your local Garrison approves it.
  10. We're in the same boat in the Star Garrison. In Dallas, there are only 4 scouts (3 are Lancer), and 1 is not. But in San Antonio, there are a lot more scouts. In the SG alone, there are at least 25 scouts (Texas and Oklahoma). There is just no interest from them in joining up. Cheyenne and I are pushing it though, so hopefully we'll get it established.
  11. No, not here. We are more about the scout character and costume. It's a community of people interested in becoming or creating an Imperial Scout Trooper and ultimately becoming a member of the 501st Legion. In doing the research though, we do stumble on the film flubs or mess ups. As the movie was made in the early 80s, that type of thing happened more often than today. But no special place or forum here specifically for it.
  12. Here is one of the most visible image flips. Note the helmet and tank stripes along with the TD:
  13. Welcome to the Pathfinders brother, well deserved!
  14. Troops: Our very own webmaster Forest Ranger (Cheyenne) has successfully completed the requirements for the rank of Lancer scout. She has worked really hard on her build and setup and it has paid off. Please join me in welcoming her to the 501st Pathfinders Lancer team! CONGRATS trooper! http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15798&st=0#entry141956
  15. Welcome to Bikerscout.net!
  16. There is no newer KS helmet. Their design has not changed and is the same as it has always been. The snout, decals, and bolt covers are not accurate. They also put a rubber seam along the bottom of the helmet. Although some have been approved without making any modifications, that's a rare case. Most Garrison Membership Liaisons will not approve it as-is...
  17. It appears to be a recast of SC armor. I'd avoid it.
  18. I have an Altmanns, too, and just use a handkerchief with a bit of water. I would not use Kleenex as they sometimes smear or distort on lens material like the welders shield.
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