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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Ducman82

  1. wish i could lose some weight! :-) thats a great idea for a "awareness" style walk.
  2. looks like his backpack is about to fall off...
  3. i like that. thats a neat idea.
  4. Welcome to the tip of the spear baby!
  5. the fans have a lot of room back there. i could add another fan to that one and still have some room! air flow is great
  6. the only part that takes up room is the batt pack. and im going to get smaller ones for sure
  7. so here is what i ended up doing. i moved my mic and added a toggle switch to my fans on my face plate. plenty of slack in the wires for opening and closing the lid. here is the left side. this fan sucks air out of the helmet and sends it out the duct great. i also used heat shrink to hold the excess mic wire. better then zip ties. this is a 12 volt AA batt pack. hits the back of my head a little, so i will switch to two 4 AA batt boxes, flatter. i also have 6 9 volt boxes with built in switch if anyone wants one (4 bucks shipped each) here is the right side. this fan blows air in from the duct. helps circulate the air.
  8. i love my MC kit. very well done
  9. very nice work! i would also like to see some scale pics.... :-P
  10. Lots of work, but well worth the effort!
  11. are you a Guinness man? . not a problem. just having a great time! :-P
  12. its funny. i just finished getting my certifications in welding. and im sittin on my couch, not building things.... :-( except my biker :-)
  13. HAHHAAH@! im just bored. Im doing the job of an at home dad for my 3month old, while my wife plays USAF officer. i can only watch so much top gear..... :-)
  14. walking around without that band is nicer too. i dont feel like i have a constant cramp in my calf.
  15. taking that binding strap off helped for sure.
  16. here is the update on boot. no strap, just velcro. fills out the "hole" of the boot more for sure.
  17. so i have been playing with fan placement neat the ear holes. and well, at 9v they are kinda loud. how does it work for everyone else/?
  18. that was my thought as well. im going to try just the square (wont attach bands) here at lunch when the wife gets home so she can get some pictures. any others then just a full front?
  19. here is what i have, since the first submission for pathfinder. its a velcro elastic strap the goes around my calf, then i have a big velcro square that hook so the inside of my boot. it works well.
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