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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Ducman82

  1. you guys did a wonderful job!
  2. Greetings all! I started our own twitter account today. Being the new PR guy, i decided we need more outreach. @501stScouts Spread the word, and let everyone in the Legion know, let your family know, even people you sorta know know! Scouts out front! https://twitter.com/501stScouts
  3. nice find!
  4. Looking pretty good! Carry on with the good work!
  5. figured it out. Krylon baby... wooooo!
  6. Hey TB's my helmet got messed up in my storage box.. UGH. the paint of the helmet got messed up from the vinyl on the boots sticking to it (some how) i have one of Cal's helmets. its painted with auto paint and clear coat... I'm going to sand down the visor (the messed up part) and re shoot it with some white auto paint... anyone else have any paints they like?
  7. looks pretty good! the sleeves are the only thing that jumped out at me. i have mine about 1/8-1/4 below the shoulder bells. outstanding work
  8. looking good!
  9. how do you take screen caps? need a computer or can a blue ray do that?
  10. anyone got pictures of this installed on the lancer update? or screen shot. ya def and import item. i have a few locals checking out for me as well
  11. anyone know where you can get this 1 3/8 black strapping? i can't find it anywhere....
  12. use velcro.... clips are evil
  13. The lower strap should be what is always has been, 1 3/8 was an typo. they should fix it soon (per other post) and YES MC knees can have the top strap added! WOOT
  14. thats good that we found the error on the lower "main" knee strap being wrong on the CRL. the forearm for example. 1 3/8 strap would require some cutting to make the strap slot bigger. i can't seem to see/find a picture where they are that big. Bicep straps came from MC as 2 inch and if i remember were correct for the original lancer/pathfinder spec. 2" thigh straps Ditto, easy to change. its more work to change all the other straps (not a big issue), I just want to know where those changes came from or are base off of? as in what was seen to make the determination on the size change? but i am getting better at sewing! (anyone find a vendor for 1 3/8 black elastic? i sure can't.
  15. i plan to finish updating the straps and what not to make my lancer, the ÜBER LANCER. but i have a few question Knee armor bottom strap. 1 3/8 is HUGE compared to the pictures that are posted in the CRL list for lancer.... what pictures were used for that strap that led to that decision? Bicep strap. currently have 2", again any shots of the 1 3/8 size? helmet vent. are we SURE that the armor on the blu-ray extras was in the movie? id hate to cut up that vent.... doing my shopping tonight/tomorrow for the new strapping for the thighs and what not. I'm not bitching or complaining about the updates, just want to understand the reason behind them. the new Greeblie looks great!
  16. 1 3/8 means you have to do some cutting on the knee for the "new" lancer spec. does not look like any shot i have seen in ROTJ has anything that big. i can see the top strap being 1/2 no problem.........but that FAT strap.... what shots did the armorer use to get that 1 3/8 strap size? i don't want to cut up plastic if i don't have too..
  17. scouts are great to wear... you will do fine man...
  18. is it just me, or in that picture in the lancer thread, doe the bottom "main" strap NOT look like 1 3/8 strapping.....
  19. any word on where to source the updated TD greeble?
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