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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bjsavage7

  1. Great to see these pics! Now to see prices. But really, they did a great job! It's good to see efx show some Biker Scout love.
  2. Sweet rifle! I love how all the pieces go together.
  3. Can't wait to see 'em!
  4. Wow! Thats a neat trick there, Terry! I'm going to attempt a rivetless belt at some point.
  5. How's the build coming, Andy? No matter what part you start with, just take your time so you don't have to do it over.
  6. I'm anxious to see Kevin's as well.
  7. So, does that mean we won't see this at DragonCon? LOL...
  8. I have a buckle hidden under my TD. Although I have often thought velcro was probably what they used on screen. Maybe we'll find out one day. LOL.
  9. Wow! Great job, guys!
  10. I had forgotten all about this.
  11. Well, they probably be comfortable at least. LOL.
  12. One of the great things about being a Biker Scout is the costume design caters itself to many heights & body types. TKs & Clones are a little bit more limited.
  13. That Russian scope is a pretty close match, but as said, I'd go cheap & probably look in the toy stores first.
  14. Looks good man. In addition to what Jim & Rich already said, you could probably pull your belt down a little bit so it is flush with the bottom of the back of your cummerbun. The materiel shouldn't be seen below the thermal detinator. Speaking of which, is the greeblie upside down? I believe its supossed to go the other way on the detinator.
  15. Absolutely. KS is a great bucket & if you do decide to eventually upgrade it, it doesn't take very much money or effort.
  16. You are all doing a great job here at BS.N! Don't let anyone tell you different!
  17. Whenever he starts cranking it out, I'm sure it will be awesome! I'm staying tuned, for sure.
  18. Unlike the Stormtrooper, we still don't have very thorough concrete reference for the Scout costume, other than what we can see in stills. Perhaps some did have neck seals, and others didn't. We've already seen that some greeblies were upside down & some weren't. Some images were flipped, while others weren't. So even some screen reference is questionable. Also, just because something was thrown together from the archives, doesn't mean it's quite right. For example, even the Star Wars Visual Dictionary has incorrect code cylinders shown for officers, and everything in that book was supossed to be screen-used. I believe we should focus on what was intended for them to be wearing. The Scout who had his uniform stolen by the Rebel Trooper had a balaclava on. That pretty much says to me that that's what they were intended to wear, or else we would have seen the rebel with a neck seal.
  19. I'm definitely putting some on my helmet at some point.
  20. I've seen scouts in that armor in person, & IMO it just doesn't look very good. The thermal detonator isn't even approvable. I'd advise against it.
  21. Thats awesome, Lou! I can't wait to see it with the other parts!
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