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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bjsavage7

  1. I want to say you can possibly see the very bottom of a cup for a brief moment, on the scout who battles Han, right when he tells his partner "Go for help! Go". I can't find a screen shot of it though. I think the actors actually did wear them on screen, since all they had in their helmets were hard-hat liners. The ROTJ TKs had a very similar set-up & wore a chip strap. I know I've seen a behind the scenes pic somewhere of the actors lifting up the face plate between shots of the speeder bike chase. I believe you could see the chin cup there. Sorry, I have no idea where that pic is posted now. I also believe (and I could be wrong) that the screen-used helmets were a bit larger than the ones commonly trooped in, like KS or MLC. This may be a reason why thay can be clearly seen on some of our troopers, but not on the real actors and stunt men.
  2. Honestly, I don't believe it can actually be seen with any clearity on screen. (Which is probably your point) I'd like to see one myself. The first helmet I ever noticed it on was this one during a review on youtube I know it's not a screen grab. Don't kill me.
  3. Lookin good, Jeff! Great to see updates on these.
  4. So that's leather & not marine vinyl? Looks like vinyl to me. Looks pretty good.
  5. Welcome, Dillon. Read through the forums, especially build threads. There are tons of helpful stuff all over here.
  6. Ha! Nice catch! I love spotting random props in the least expected places!
  7. The Kasshyyyk Troopers aren't in Battle Front II. It would be cool if they were though.
  8. Probably SC. And welcome to BS.N. Read through the forum for lots of helpful info.
  9. What they said.
  10. Those are the only weapons we see them with on screen. What you choose to troop with is usually up to you or your garrison.
  11. Always best to ask before you waste your hard-earned money.
  12. I also have a clip on my belt like in that pic, but I strongly believe (and I could be wrong) the screen-used belt had a velcro closure. Like the boss said, it doen't really matter as long as it's hidden.
  13. I was recently asked "if your blaster has no trigger, how do you fire it?" My only logical thought is that it's activated by the "button" on the side. Is this the generally accepted answer among you guys as well? I've never read all the blue print guides and what-not, but I figured that has to be right. Im curious if anybody had figured out a different way.
  14. Looks good. The trick is getting it to look good when worn though. lol.
  15. Guess not eh?
  16. Oh, and Andy, that bucket looks great! I would have thought is was a KS or something completely different.
  17. I have faith in you, Winter!
  18. They look pretty good to me.
  19. Yeah, with SC, you might have to just sand the edges a little bit. Probably not much though. I barely needed to touch-up mine at all.
  20. Curious if anyone has heard anything new from SA?
  21. Wow, that stretching thing for the boots is ingenious. I'll have to remember that for when I make some new boots.
  22. I had some great luck that mine looked pretty awesome! Yeah, I echo what the others have said about the DVH. I believe the fellow in the UK who makes the thermal detinator greeblie also makes a nice snout piece. Can't recall his name though.
  23. Just Lancer.
  24. Yeah, looks pretty good! I'd say with a little TLC, it could be a Lancer weapon in no time.
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