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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bjsavage7

  1. Its hard to tell from the picture, but I think you have too many vertical stich lines between your pouches. "- Vertically ribbed straight stitch lines up the front of the cummerbund. The spacings between the stitches will vary slightly between costumers as their girth dictates. There should be 7 evenly-spaced stitches giving 6 raised areas between the pouches. The raised areas of the stitches, referred to as ribs, MUST be completely visible between the pouches."
  2. The Mandarin style collar is basically the same kind of collar you see on every other Star Wars jump suit, i.e. Rebel Pilot, Rebel Technician, Tie Pilot, Imperial Crew, ect...
  3. Hmmm. Maybe I'll pick one of those up too. Looks Great!
  4. Boots are looking good! SC armor is awesome too, and the quality of it keeps getting better!
  5. That's what I use. They are spot-on and very comfortable. I think I paid about $40 for mine.
  6. I am afraid either it will be fantastic and I won't be able to afford it, or I'll be able to afford it but it will require a bunch of mods like their ESB TK bucket. LOL.
  7. Just get some of these from TK-4813. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8800&hl=&fromsearch=1
  8. Me too!
  9. Wow. The whole left half? Really? I thought it would be just the smaller piece. Thats a lot different than I thought it would look like. I agree, we really need to find some new pics of the Blu Ray Scout!
  10. They are the three parts on the left.
  11. I'd say its beneficial. A little bit anyway. Always good to get any extra air you can into your bucket.
  12. I just drilled right through mine with a dremel. Its pretty sturdy. Then after I cleaned & painted it, I glued the screen in with super glue.
  13. I don't know much about the MLC armor, but I used to have fiberglass armor from an older source and it was indeed very fragile. It cracked across the chest, and the belt snapped in half. I love my nice sturdy ABS armor I have now from SC.
  14. Wearing the cummerbund should make the fight suit look a lot better fitting. The arm armor should be OK like that for approval, but you can make it look better by trimming the bottom of the shoulder bells down just a little, and maybe a little bit of the top of the bicep armor too.
  15. Also, check the for-sale section on the main legion forum. They pop up there once in a while.
  16. I think they send him coupons every time he mentions them. LOL.
  17. Congrats, Darren! Nice work!
  18. Thanks everybody!
  19. Thank you! whoohoo!!!
  20. I got mine from www.Jontay.com. They are inexpensive and ship fast.
  21. Congrats!
  22. Here's a few more. Please let me know what you think.
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