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Alex's Shoretrooper Squad Leader Build


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Bondo applied and sanded off! The most prominent parts needing it being on the snout and one of the...lower...front...thingies look I dunno what it's called but blaaaaaah. Anyway now they're nice and smooth. Barely any was needed on the middle seam and there was a tiny little part at the top back that needed it as well but yeah - woot!

Don't worry, blast shield is not attached, just sitting there for the picture.  Wanted to see how it would look. Still have to paint everything before attaching!


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Looking good. Sometimes it's helpful to hit it with a light coat of primer to expose all of the imperfections you need to fix.

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You need to fill in all those ridges on the nose part under the eye hole. Also in the corners of the cheeks are little pin holes that need to be filled. 

Whatever imperfections you see now will only be made worse once painted. You have to be really diligent filling all the Imperfections now as trying to fix them once you put the paint down is a nightmare.

Give it another pass filing every spot and show us, with the visor off so we can see the seam front, sides and back. 

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Second round of bondo GO!

And I know things look a bit rough but everything's actually really smooth. I've doublechecked everywhere and, save for the dust (which will get rinsed away), it looks and feels good to me. 


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Took the recommendation to spray some primer on the blast shield to see if any more sanding was needed and I think I spotted some more parts. One of them was a bottom corner that I actually bondod and then sanded and, after sanding, saw no bondo so it wasn't needed? Still did lots of sanding though and it feels really smooth, so. 🤷‍♀️ 

I'm making do with what I have, sanding-wise, as the stay-at-home order has just been extended another two weeks, so I can't just bop out to the store and pick up various levels of grit. Right now I have a rough sanding block of unknown grit and some 220, so that's what I've been using. I do hope it's enough, because if I stop doing stuff now I'll basically lose all momentum and that would be bad for my progress and self-confidence. I'm already quivering over basically everything I'm doing, heh.


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It will get there, these things take time!!! A few cans of this will do wonders in helping you smooth everything out!!!


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For accountability: have been sanding the stupid collar piece edges.

Have officially reached the point in every costume build where I am seriously considering throwing this all in the garbage and breathing a huge sigh of relief. Of course I'll push through because shoretroopers are cool but hng. Someone please remind me why I love being a plastic spaceman so much. 😓


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You love doing it because when that kid’s eyes get wide with awe at the site of you, you know it was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears.

You love it because when that guys asks you where you bought your costume and you grin from ear to ear under your bucket as you see his jaw drop when you tell him you made it.

You love it because you’re making a difference raising money for charity dressed as the plastic spacemen you love.

Hang in there trooper. You got this!

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You're making progress, so that's good. 

What grit sandpaper are you using? Lower grit (rougher) will sand away more at once but leave a rough finish. Higher grit will leave a smoother finish but take sooo much longer. Usually a bit of the rough passes will get you the shape you need, then smooth it out with higher grit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've had zero energy or motivation over the past week. I've been trying to force myself to get back to this though. Hopefully will restart soon.

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Hang in there, Alexandra!  When I was feeling less than motivated to do anything on my kit, I told myself to do just one little thing on it.  Nothing was too small.  A trim of 1cm.  One pass of the sanding block on an edge.  I tried to do one super small thing a day... and more often than not (and if I had time), I would end up doing a little more than I had planned.  And if I didn't, it was no biggie.

You got this!!!

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3 hours ago, Cricket said:

When I was feeling less than motivated to do anything on my kit, I told myself to do just one little thing on it. 

That's an excellent way to deal with this. Thanks for the suggestion - I will put it to good use.

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Keep it up! You got this trooper!!! 

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Accountability: trimmed the left side of the chest armour of flash. Obvs lots of sanding remains.

Forcing myself to continue working on this. At this point motivation and energy are pretty damn low. Ugh. Thanks for all the motivation and help here though - I really do appreciate it. And @TKZombie is going to be sending me some more sandpaper to help with this - thanks so much! ❤️

Do pardon the messy table.


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Accountability: trimmed the left side of the chest armour of flash. Obvs lots of sanding remains.

Forcing myself to continue working on this. At this point motivation and energy are pretty damn low. Ugh. Thanks for all the motivation and help here though - I really do appreciate it. And [mention=82250]TKZombie[/mention] is going to be sending me some more sandpaper to help with this - thanks so much!
Do pardon the messy table.

Woohoo! Grats on getting back at it!!! Ot will be worth it! Careful with that trim, especially the upper part, you don’t want to make that section less wide than the buckle!!!


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9 minutes ago, Minimo said:

Woohoo! Grats on getting back at it!!! Ot will be worth it!

Thank you! At this point I feel like I'm just slogging through a swamp, but I can see the shore on the other side so I guess I just gotta keep trudging through, right? 😓

9 minutes ago, Minimo said:

Careful with that trim, especially the upper part, you don’t want to make that section less wide than the buckle!!!

I will definitely keep an eye on that as I go! The shoulders were already trimmed when I got the kit - the flash was lower down in the curve. But I don't plan to trim the shoulders any unless I have to, but I feel like that will become obvious later on when I'm fit-testing with tape etc. ❤️ 

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Are you using the dremel grinding wheel to cut the excess off? If you are that’s likely creating a lot of extra sanding work. A pair of lexan scissors with the curved blade is what I use for 90% of trimming unless it’s a straight cut like cover strips then it’s a score and snap method. 

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2 hours ago, TKZombie said:

Are you using the dremel grinding wheel to cut the excess off? If you are that’s likely creating a lot of extra sanding work. A pair of lexan scissors with the curved blade is what I use for 90% of trimming unless it’s a straight cut like cover strips then it’s a score and snap method. 

I had a pair of those but I misplaced them and haven't found them since. I've got a pair of regular scissors that I've been using when the plastic isn't too thick for them though, and then I'll use a dremel cutting thing, and then after that I'll use the dremel to sand what's left and then fine-sand after that.

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Just a suggestion, but you might find that Lexan scissors cut much more easily through plastic than regular scissors do.  They really are time and effort savers!  Might be worth getting another pair.  ;) 

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Alex, You’re making it a lot harder on yourself than you need to. If you trim with lexan scissors you’ll have minimal sanding to do. You can get a set of straight and curved from Amazon. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the lack of updates. Have gotten involved in a creative project and been applying for jobs/doing interviews so that's been a big energy leech but my shore's still on the priority list.

Trimming update: using my newly arrived lexan scissors I've done trimming of the sides of both the chest and back plates as well as trimmed all the flash off the one shin detail that needed it. I think my next step will be attaching the shin details to the shins. 

As always, sanding remains. 😑


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Gotta admit, I've been looking forward to doing this for a while now - shin details attached woot woot! A nice bump for my confidence.


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Nice! Looking good! I'm jealous that your plastic is black. Mine is cream so every real world scuff and scrape needs to be painted.

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