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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TreeHuggerMatt

  1. You Alreet fella?  Not seen you about for a while 

  2. *UPDATE* 3D printed EC17 blaster and gloves ( Wampa Wear ) to be ordered on the 25th when I get paid. Little bit nearer I guess
  3. So if it’s too tight it pulls the flak vest sleeve and causers the flaring / bunching. Got it
  4. So the lower elastic on the bells essentially just stops it flapping about rather than secures it tight against the bicep then ? Cool
  5. had a quick google search and YT threw this up. It certainly seems possible but whether it could be done at a scale you'd need to fit the baton . Its annoying as my ONC is in electrical and electronic engineering and as I haven't used any of it for 30 years ive forgotten most of it lol.
  6. ya gotta get a video of that lol
  7. I forgot ask. the strap just from one side of the boot or is it both? Easy enough to do either eh
  8. Remember you doing it Tony hehe .Glad they got there quickly and look forward to ya breaking them in . What I didn't realise until now is that ardmoor are in north Berwick and such are based 20 minutes from where I live lol. small world
  9. Sounded worse than i thought. Soo sorry lol
  10. Phew. Will give me time to get over of hearing my voice in the recording hate hearing myself speak 😂😂
  11. I had a rib muscle tear about 4 years ago on my back and every now and then it comes off the rib again , was thinking the clip for me as at least id have to reach up and twist less. Cos im old and broken lol Whatever works eh fella.
  12. You'll be sorry you told me that Pete lol 😜
  13. You have any issue securing it that way Dennis? In terms of being able to reach for the velcro? Just thought for me the clip *might* be easier
  14. Noticed that from the YT CRL walkthrough there was about 6 inches of excess webbing after the clip. Had no issue jotting that down and will use the same if chef already hasn't. Its a great trick. Plan would be to do it short and then just lengthen the strap until the crunching goes away
  15. Thats good to know was ive been thinking of a pair of straps to help hold the bund in place similar to what the guy in this video uses from about 25 secs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FIOcYyUdOw think this will be handy to stop shifting with mybuild
  16. what was the saying ? a clean scout is a stay at home scout? 🤣
  17. Would never have guessed Arne You speak it better than I do 😂
  18. Was great to meet you all guys. Nice to put names to faces.
  19. Thanks Dennis. some great options to consiser 👍🏻
  20. Yeah it does. Ive seen the ukswrath name mentioned a few times. ill do some digging mate thanks 🙂
  21. Whats the name of this sizing software? Know someone who might want to give it a try , and me for poss future plans
  22. Thanks for the files Justin. Very kind mate
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