had a quick google search and YT threw this up. It certainly seems possible but whether it could be done at a scale you'd need to fit the baton . Its annoying as my ONC is in electrical and electronic engineering and as I haven't used any of it for 30 years ive forgotten most of it lol.
Remember you doing it Tony hehe .Glad they got there quickly and look forward to ya breaking them in .
What I didn't realise until now is that ardmoor are in north Berwick and such are based 20 minutes from where I live lol.
small world
I had a rib muscle tear about 4 years ago on my back and every now and then it comes off the rib again , was thinking the clip for me as at least id have to reach up and twist less.
Cos im old and broken lol
Whatever works eh fella.
Noticed that from the YT CRL walkthrough there was about 6 inches of excess webbing after the clip. Had no issue jotting that down and will use the same if chef already hasn't.
Its a great trick.
Plan would be to do it short and then just lengthen the strap until the crunching goes away
Thats good to know was ive been thinking of a pair of straps to help hold the bund in place similar to what the guy in this video uses
from about 25 secs.
think this will be handy to stop shifting with mybuild