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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Hey, if you can get somewhat close to the original armor you can definitely get approved with it. Although it's an incredibly amount of effort and probably won't be cheaper in the end. But I'd love to see what you could come up with! Cheers
  2. Looks like a good start πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
  3. Whoaw!! Finally a picture of the exact model - awesome find!! Where did those come up?
  4. Thanks, Dennis - you're absolutely right! Somebody did a pretty decent photoshop job there. The reason back then was probably to show how easy the Steve S. helmet blended in but I never saw this mentioned. Well, that would have been the icing on the cake if that helmet could indeed have been matched to a screen used helmet but anyhow - I don't think there should be much doubt that this was at least a production made helmet. Stroker and Spike are right as well; the helmet this one was photoshopped over was the urethane one, you can tell because it's a bit warped and the lens section is fully cut out and larger than in the regular helmets. Thanks a lot for clearing that up, guys!
  5. So I've given myself a little challenge I've always been intrigued by the first and for a long time only biker scout helmet that was privately owned and outside the LF archives; yes, you guessed it, the Steve Sansweet bucket! There are thourough reviews on this helmet, e.g. on starwarshelmets .com and per video on Youtube https://bit.ly/2PY49FH so there's plenty material to work from: So, my challenge is to replicate this helmet down to every scratch and the tiniest speck of dust 😁 Since I need to wait for a fresh delivery of 1.5mm pinseal ABS I used the time to design the decals already: Also while searching for some more images of this helmet I came across an interesting image: This helmet looks exactly like the "Steve Sansweet" (it has since changed the owner) helmet and it appears that the "battle damage" has already been there during filming and not like to so many other original helmets inflicted later. My only problem was: No matter how hard I was looking for this image in the movie I could not find it! So if anybody has any leads that would be highly appreciated Stay tuned...
  6. Inspired by the images of production made biker scout backup helmet mold which was recently sold at a Props store auction (check out this thread >> I've updated my molds and made an updated version: I though it would be interesting to show a quick comparison to an original helmet as well as helmets with lineage:
  7. Looking good!
  8. 😁❀
  9. Only if your doing the mandalorian version though πŸ˜‰πŸ˜… Thanks, bro
  10. Ah, well that's good to hear Congrats on the wins. Compared to other SW auctions these seemed quite a bargain πŸ˜‰ Not sure if the face mask is over sharpened though since I haven't seen the original wood block for comparison. The side blocks seem even a tad bit softer than the originals (but to a neglegible degree imo).
  11. Hey guys, I've recently came across something really cool: An Prop Store Auction of a backup mold for a bikerscout helmet! Link to auction: Auction What's really new here is that there have never been any mold pictures of the facemask (just the wooden molds for the helmet sides) out there. Also it's interesting to see how they went about to make the mold: They took a pull from the wooden block, made a recast from clay but THEN they "reengineered" the mold to make all the edges as sharp as the original and not loose any details in the process. You can see it because at some points the pinseal structure is gone due to sanding. IMO, that's how it should be done. Too often makers just recast the originals without reengineering it in order to "keep it exactly like the original". But in most cases you loose some detail when you don't rework the details particularly when you're working from a bad pull in the first place. Unfortunaley, I've seen this auction too late otherwise I'd loved to have bought those molds! But having now a good reference I'm looking forward to updating mine soon Cheers, Constantin
  12. To add my 2 cents to this debate... πŸ˜‰ Yes, many (but not all) original belts had the webbing flaw. It happens when the belt boxes are very close to each other (as in the originals). The reason why some armor makers don't have them is simply because they put the boxes further apart πŸ˜‰ Personally, I'm not a big fan of the webbing (because I don't like the look and it's a potential cracking point) but I've also never managed to get quite rid of it while still maintaining the original closeness of the boxes.
  13. Lou's looks like a pretty good fit! The RS one is (quite obviously) too big. Using the original scope is a great start for the scaling but there are some other parts as well πŸ˜‰ @CatfoodRob: Maybe these references can help you check your scaling: Cheers, Constantin
  14. Not quite. It's true that for the deathstar armors they used Ferrari white with a polishing compound to produce a mirror finish. However for the weathering of the Endor scenes they did not dull down the color (as there was no need to) but simply sprayed on the black weathering with a rattle can. A good reference for that are the pictures on the Blu Ray Special of the Star Wars Box which were taken from the LFL costume that also appeared in the Star Wars Costume book.
  15. Hi guys, Mark just pointed me towards this thread and I thought I quickly chime in; it's a bit strange that Ken's Blaster doesn't fit into my holster and I can't really tell why atm. I can say the follwoing though: - According to Mark he didn't make any changes to my molds - My holster is about the same size as the MC one - My blaster (the scope is cast from an original and the other dimensions are based in relation to it) fits in perfectly (i.e. like the oringinals) Took some crappy pics last night of it: https://imgur.com/fwTpxvV https://imgur.com/2Xw4kFC https://imgur.com/SzsXrvU Cheers
  16. Awesome find! I'm not sure if it's really the same material as the originals but it's definitely the closest one I've seen to date - great job!
  17. I think it's nice offering a more affordable version of that helmet but from a trooping (as some have pointed out) and prop accuracy the ABS version is clearly superior. Cheers P.S.: Come to think of it: The combination of a fibreglass shell and a ABS visor could have saved EFX a lot of trouble πŸ˜‰
  18. Awesome Would really be interested in seeing how it compares to my armor!
  19. Uh, doesn't look so great now 🀒 Thanks for sharing @cheesewhoopy !
  20. That looks pretty good acutally! Would be interesting to have more info on size and see some more pics!
  21. Hi Mike, thanks for your application - could you please post the pictures in this thread? Thanks!
  22. Hi Aaron, while your working on those vest sleeves please also make sure to lengthen the cod strap so it's not pulling back the cod piece so tight. Cheers, Constantin
  23. Yeah, that's our special - upon request - "purple rain" edition
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