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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. How do you like it? I've looked at that one over and over. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  2. Kashyyyk trooper boots. I accidentally reply with scout info on Kashy questions all the time
  3. Our own Chef also offers these. Laser cut, need to be bent and painted. Look great. Not sure if there's a run open at the moment, but there's a post in the trade forum. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  4. The stormtrooper helmet traps have the black outline and "hash marks" on the back, but no vertical hash marks on the temples. SandTroopers have black outlines and no vertical hash marks on any of their traps. So there are a few different sets out there. Just make sure you're looking at the correct ones! Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  5. No black outlines. You can see here from a screen used helmet courtesy of The Prop Store: Snout: Traps: Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  6. Normally not terribly long. Depends on your GML's work load Here in Michigan, our GML generally only does approvals on weekends - which he's made clear on our boards. One thing that can be beneficial is to include a link to your build thread with thesubmission pics, which gives the GML the answers to any additional questions he may have with some of the nuances of the costume, as well as the feedback you've got from your fellow troopers. I'd give it a couple more days. Don't sweat it. Your build looks great.
  7. One of the requirements for the flight suit is that it had a "mandarin collar" which can be achieved by turning the collar up, and using one of those pockets to make a flap that closes around the front of the neck, Velcroing on the other side. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  8. Looks good! Yes, those pockets would have to be removed, and you can use the back pocket material to make the collar flap closure. FYI - I'm not sure if it's because you're in Sweden, but something like that would normally be $25-40 USD.
  9. I see you've got the straps looped around each end of the clip. They can actually just be passed behind the clip, giving the illusion of functional clips.
  10. Looks good to me. The strap should be 40mm (1.5 inches). If the straps pass through the clip without binding or having excess space, they should be fine.
  11. The only issue is that Scouts didn't have a static burst in the movie so when folks inquire about icomm, I mention that fact and that a perfectly suitable mic/speaker can be had for less than the icomm. No reason you couldn't use yours and it wouldn't hinder approval as sound systems aren't "vetted" in the approval process. Though it might be discouraged for a Lancer (level II) application. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  12. Bravo! Way to raise the bar! And thanks for the inside shoulder bell detail shot. I've desperately needed that! Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  13. Indeed. I'll never forget, I shot Jeff an email just to say thanks and let him know I got approved. I think he was just as excited as I was Great dude.
  14. Oh I know. I just don't see many people use 4 if they use rivets at all. It'd be nice if we could get Jeff to do his belt one piece and then the whole thing would be moot
  15. Ya know, the belt detail pic on the Legion CRL page actually has 4 rivets (2 securing each section of the SC belt). We should see about changing that just to avoid confusion.
  16. Easy approval. Looks great!
  17. Nope, just remembered. I used rivets and washers on the inside of the tube on the metal clips. Same size as used for the belt and holster. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  18. If you're talking about the metal clips from Chef, I drilled a couple holes towards the end of the tube between the ribs, being careful to keep them level. Then ran in a couple self tapping screws that hold them just fine. I also use the plastic SC clips behind the det box for extra security. I can't remember if they were pre drilled, or i drilled them, but a zip tie passes through two holes on the clip and around the tube. It's all hidden behind the det box. Can't see the attachment great here, but you can see the placement in this pic: Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  19. I think Mickey's got it. Those deep, sharp indents on the back and the visor and faceplate shape scream Cucblack to me. If I recall correctly it's in the ballpark for what he sold them for. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  20. I've heard some garrisons operate that way which is odd to me. We have 3 forums that are accessible to the public (getting started, Frequently asked questions, and costume resources), then the rest are for Garrison members only. People who want to NCS are granted access to the event boards to sign up for stuff. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  21. I second Kayelbe. Wrangling (in the GLG we call it NCS, Non-Costumed Support) is a great opportunity to get involved and meet your soon to be garrison mates and get a look behind the scenes at the madness you're about to join Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  22. I retract that. I've seen it both ways on "our" boots, but while the real Sierra IV doesn't have deep cuts around the toe, there is still like, indentations. But these: Are still not EXACTLY the same as these: For the record, my boots do have cuts all the way around the toe.
  23. Yes, around the front as well. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  24. That should look just right. Add the taller vertical cuts around the heel and you got yourself some Scout treads Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  25. Yeah, looks good. Main thing is that the sole is one color (tan/gum) and that the soles can have the appropriate cuts all the way around. Might want to rip out those speed lace things at the top too.
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