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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Welcome to the 501st Pathfinders! Here's a thread with much discussion and some great theories on the thermal det tube: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=17040 Poke around the Biker Scout HQ thread and the Biker Scout Armor thread. There are a few discussions about a more accurate det tube. Trade Forum access will open up when you've reached 5 posts.
  2. I can't remember who's build thread it was in, but someone put a little trap door in the back armor so he could keep stuff in the hump. Wallet and such. I had thought about doing something similar with a Camel Back water bag once upon a time... But no, as stated it's not a requirement that it's permanently attached, but it IS a requirement that it's a separate piece from the back armor.
  3. It's hidden by the thermal detonator so the connection method doesn't really matter. Mine is Velcro and it's the one Velcro area - along with the bund - that takes a beating (many times on and off) as opposed to my boots, which I can squeeze into without opening them up all the way, and my vest which I pull over like a T shirt. My buddy Will did the clip and it works out really well. His thermal det is always attached to the belt around the clip and that was a little trick getting everything attached at first but it's easy on/off and you don't have to worry about the det coming off or some prankster snatching it. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  4. Go for it, my man! These resources are for everyone. Tailored and geared toward joining the 501st to be sure, so be prepared for replies that reflect that... But we can all still learn from eachother, mate! I look forward to seeing your progress. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  5. I used a metallic aluminum primer and then satin black on my blaster with the thought that as it gets natural dings and doinks, the metallic would show through in a "realistic" way. So far so good. [edit] I have a HitG resin blaster.
  6. If in doubt, post up a couple pics for us to take a look at. We're tough, but fair Really though it's a pretty common issue and you'll definitely get some good suggestions how to rectify it if it's getting out of the ballpark of "approvability". Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  7. It's ultimately going to be up to your GML, as it goes to the overall fit and finish of the costume, but we know that the screen used suits were more like a racing suit than a coverall as many of us use. It's a Level II (Lancer) Spec specifically called out in the CRL that the flight suit be "fairly fitted and not baggy", so there might be a little wiggle room for basic clearance. I can tell you from experience that "a little baggy" can become "really poofy" once the armor elastic is pulling tight. Stirrups can help this in the legs, but I ended up taking in my suit a bit: waist, arms and legs. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  8. Oh right on man. At first look I thought it was just the edge of the flap closure but I think you're right.
  9. Like the 'bund, a zipper wouldn't hold up approval if it was disguised with a Velcro flap over it. I don't see the advantage of going that route though. If it is just a zipper though, it would need to have a simulated flap closure and that seems a lot of extra work as opposed to just closing with Velcro. Overall though, nice boot build.
  10. Excellent compilation of sources, boss. I would love to put the rifle question put to bed. To me, if a primarily (or solely) video game based CHARACTER can have a costume, a video game weapon should be a "canonical" option. Scouts are consistently described as expert marksmen. I'm 100% for it. And just to add to your already thorough references, the Battlefront action figure also carried a rifle:
  11. Welcome to bs.n, Sergi! Making your own soft goods if you're able is a great option and you can save a few bucks. To answer a couple of your questions, many of us use a basic black work coverall (RedKap, Dickies, etc) and modify it appropriately. That includes removing external pockets, patches and such, and adding the suede thigh patches, butt flap, thigh bands, and flap collar closure, as well as tailoring for a slightly more form fitting shape than you'd normally get with a coverall. The vest sleeves (at least on mine) are indeed cotton like the rest of the vest. I'm guessing you ask this because of the sheen the sleeves have. This effect is achieved when the batting is put into the sleeves and the vertical quilted lines are sewn in and tighten the black material over the batting. "Duck Cloth" is a common material for the cummerbund and pouches. As for the color, that's completely up to you but remember if you do off-white pouches you also need off-white belt thigh box straps and webbing for the chest/back underarm connection.
  12. Killer pro tip, James! Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  13. Jeff just posted in another thread that SC kits are now shipping with a one piece belt as well!
  14. Aaron, I wondered if it was WTF when you posted up your pre-clearance pics. It really is a nice, sharp sculpt and pull. My TI armor and chest box is WTF and I was really impressed with the quality of material he uses.
  15. I don't know if anyone has a finished WTF kit yet. It looks like he's starting to pull them, and some people are getting the belts now, but I think it's too early yet to have a good comparison of WTF and other makers. From what I've seen on his FB page, it looks really nice. In general, WTF makes really nice stuff and I'm excited to see another reputable maker tackling the scout, giving us another good source. I'm keeping an eye on his page as people start to receive their kits and put them together...
  16. Flipped negative. You'll notice some scenes where the tank stripes are on the wrong side as well.
  17. Easy approval. Agree on the pouches. You could do a master class on Optimal Scout Weathering. Really, really well done!
  18. stasz

    What a year!

    Thanks for driving, Chex. Two things keep me coming back. Love of the costumes and the people. Thank you for a great year. Onward!
  19. Velcro, glue, rivets, any combination of the above... Was it Strider who was going to try the strapping method? Someone was just talking about that...
  20. PandaTrooper's build, stickied at the top of this very forum.
  21. Since it's a Level II requirement (at least in appearance) and there are a couple more readily available sources I'd expect to see more people swapping out SC's 3 piece for a 1 piece.
  22. Following. ...just to gaze upon it's beauty Good luck with the build!
  23. Yep. I believe it's in Australia now. Or, he sold it to someone in Australia anyway.
  24. Good luck, man! Keep us posted.
  25. Ordered on the 3rd, shipped by the 28th is darn near lightning fast in this hobby. SC is legit. Don't sweat it.
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