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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. A Garrison mate of mine made "Sea Scout" years ago. It's wasn't official, but it's pretty cool.
  2. To answer your question, a I think a hidden zipper camouflaged as Velcro would be ok, but it might be about the same amount of work to chalk this one up to experience and give it another go.
  3. I gotcha. At the top, it doesn't join because the LENGTH is too short X amount, and at the bottom it doesn't join because it's too short Y amount. Der
  4. Before you make any dramatic changes, can you post up a picture of you wearing it? Many of us actually have bunds that are too long, causing them to stick out below the belt, or the belt worn too low to cover the extra bund length. It's really not as long as you'd think. Maybe I'm having trouble picturing what you mean, but I'm not sure how the height of the bund would make it so you can't use 2" Velcro.
  5. I originally had white/white but after a series of unfortunate events I needed new pouches and decided to go off white. I personally like it better just to break up the colors a bit. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  6. If it's not *exactly* what they used on-screen, it's probably the closest thing I've seen yet. Wrap it like an exhausted prop shop guy eyeballing a deadline and thinking "Seriously George? Wrap a lamp cord around it? And I have to do how many of these?!"
  7. Yep, I see it now in your second pic. Nice job dude!
  8. If it's the thread I'm thinking of, there was a bunch of theories being thrown around. I don't think it got definitely pinned down what the original wrap was, but there was talk of U channel - which would have the flat sides and rounded bottom you mentioned, and that RJ11 cable Stroker used. That's what I was talking about by telephone wire.
  9. Man, that looks pretty good! What's the cable you're using?
  10. Props for taking a crack at it! Those small details are what really pushes your costume to the next level. I do agree with the above comment, I think your wrap is a little too large and the general consensus is that it's not really round, per sé, but more like a telephone type wire. Hard to tell from the pic but your pipe looks straight, and it should have a slight curve along your back when wearing it. That's where a hydraulic or radiator type hose would work great. Awesome that you want to go the extra mile, though. Keep used posted!
  11. Don Jarr does make one, but it's just the "engine" part and the aerator. No plate. I bet SC would sell one a la carte, but I don't know if it would fit. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  12. Have you tried him through his Facebook page, Kevin? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=236907710025896&id=229672490749418 *That's the DVH Costuming and Props page.
  13. Yeah, the straps just need to be cut to length. The widths you'll receive will work fine. Again, between the included instructions and by studying other build threads, you'll be able to see what goes where easily. And if you're not sure, just ask!
  14. Not much. Less than a 1/4". You're not going to need to "thin" the straps any, and if you're considering Lancer (level II approval) now or down the road, the straps have to be particular widths. You'll be fine with the width of the elastic SC sends, but cut to length obviously.
  15. I used this flexible 220 grit I found at home depot: It's got a rubber type backing, so you can roll it, fold it, and it doesn't crack apart. Then finished with a quick hit of 400-600. I used a rat tail file to elongate the strap slots.
  16. 1.) SC's kit solid. Readily available without months upon months and fairly accurate. 2.) Between the included instructions, the resources and build threads here, and your own creativity you shouldn't have a hard time getting it harnessed up and wearable. 3.) It's "rough-trimmed" but that's almost an insult to how much work they already do for you. Cleaning up some edges, perhaps widening some of the strap pass-through slots, and any tweaks to for your body type are pretty much all the necessary trimming. 4.) My Velcro is holding strong after almost two years. It might vary depending on how you decide to suit up, but I rarely unhook it. Just slide the parts up my arms and legs. The Velcro on my belt takes the most beating but if it's sewn on well, the Velcro itself should hold fine. The adhesive Velcro, I threw a dap of e6000 on too for extra security.
  17. Looking sharp, Trooper. Easy approval.
  18. Here's a very crude A/B for you:
  19. The only other scout pieces you're going to have are the back armor, knees and belt. From these pics the knees look ok, back armor / tank / tank topper SEEM ok, but I'd need better pics, hard to see the belt but it seems to hit the mark. The boxes on the belt look a little long, but I don't think it's a deal breaker. At a glance the shoulder bells look ok, can't see the the forearms well, but the greeblies on the chest are off and the lights look too big, so yeah the chest needs some work for sure. *Just at a glance. Take all that with a grain of salt
  20. If you have a stroll through the helmet forum, you'll find thread upon thread of discussion on the attributes of various makers. Some of the more reputable, readily available, and "approvable" makers are KS, SC, Altmann's, MLC, LW, RS, and Chef. Some of those can be had in a week or so and some are rare jewels in the scout world They all have variations, subtle differences, slightly different sizing... There are some newer players as well not as well known, and some cases of decent stuff but horror stories with shipping and receiving. The best thing you can do is what you're doing now: read read read, and ask questions. We're here to help!
  21. Here's a side view of the same make bucket: Do you have money committed yet? Is it a whole kit? Understand, my comments above are my opinion. I would highly recommend reaching out to one of the Star Garrison GMLs for their take on it. This is of course, all under the assumption that you're looking to join the 501st.
  22. You're probably not going to like what I've got to say. This is not a good helmet. As you've noted, the visor is very thick, the lenses are small and out of shape. I don't know the maker but I've seen this on bucket eBay several times over the years. There is a listing right now that says it's an MLC. It's not. I honestly don't know if you could even salvage it. It's not really a matter of changing this greeblie or adjusting that angle. The whole thing is way out of whack. Snout is too long, snout greeblie is wrong, snout decal is oversized, visor decal is wrong. You don't have a profile picture, but if you see it in that view, it has a very dramatic angle to it that's incorrect. As a GML I wouldn't approve this helmet. It's just too far off.
  23. The forearms are way off, and the hip boxes look KS huge. Not to mention the tank and two chests...
  24. No vendor is "501st Approved". There are vendors whose products have been consistently approved when finished to the specifications laid out in the CRL (costume reference library). That being said, it looks like a pretty sloppy helmet. You get what you pay for, and I think better helmets can be had for not a ton more money. This also ships from Spain, so tack on international shipping. I'd pass and save for something better.
  25. Interesting that everything is so out of whack but they went to the trouble to do a five piece helmet. Well, four piece but you know what I mean.
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