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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Here's a picture of how I did collar flap closure. I basically folded the removed back pocket in half, sewed 3 edges shut but left one of the short ends open and slid it down over the upturned collar, and stitched them together. And yes, like 007 said, you can leave your pockets open as they'll appear closed when the belt and bund are all cinched up.
  2. I just saw some pictures of test pulls of some of the WTF scout armor, and he IS doing a one piece belt. He's not taking orders yet, but he's done ala carte parts for his other kits. Belt looks good, too
  3. If you're planning on weathering, I think you can hide that center chest wonkiness. A good paint job or nice square decal that fits in the slot would disguise the edges of the recess. Just looks like a really soft pull, and as mentioned, needs some trimming.
  4. One time I accidentally collapsed the whole 501st section. I was in a panic until I realized what I did
  5. When you remove the pockets, you can use a seam ripper or exact-o knife but the bar tacks (at the corners of the pockets) are very thick and hard to cut so be careful. You could cut yourself or accidentally slash up your suit.
  6. Correctamundo! The back pockets have to go, but the material can be repurposed as the collar flap closure. Fold the material in half and tack it on to the upturned collar of the coverall: The RedKap also has a "utility knife" pocket on the right leg that needs to go. The chest pockets arguably could stay as they're covered by the vest and armor. You'll also need to add the suede riding patches to the front/inner thigh area of the legs, and the suede mudflap that hangs off the waist and covers your rear. Real suede for Lancer, faux suede is ok for basic clearance. I used RedKap for both my Scout and TIE Pilot. They fit as sized, but keep in mind the coverall is designed to go over "street clothes" so I did end up taking in the waist, legs, and arms for the scout to get it slightly more form fitting. I usually wear a t shirt and basketball type shorts under my flightsuit and with the alterations I made it's snug.
  7. KS is larger. Here's a pic of myself (tall guy) and a Scout sister. I'm in a KS, and she has an SC. We both have SC armor:
  8. Yep, Dickies, RedKap, or similar, with some modification are the go-to. Basically, remove external pockets, sew or Velcro shut the slash pockets. Add the collar flap closure (you can use one of the removed back pockets for this material), add the riding patches on the thighs and backside "mudflap" (real suede for Lancer, faux suede is acceptable for basic clearance) and add the elastic thigh bands. Coveralls are obviously designed to go over regular clothes, so it's sometimes necessary to take in the legs/butt area - I even took in the arms on mine - to achieve a more form fitting look. Even with these alterations, you usually save money compared with buying an "off the shelf" flight suit that often still needs some of these mods anyway.
  9. I'd be all over that. LW are hard to come by and a fantastic helmet. No-one said you can't have two excellent buckets Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  10. Man, I'm hoping that when this season comes out on DVD there will be a character model gallery or something. I think this would be a really fun build, but even after the episode aired, good reference is scarce.
  11. Well done, Trooper!
  12. The other issue you might run into is that the overall height. The boots need to come up just under your knee armor for Lancer. Being pre-made these could be too tall or short. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  13. Two things jump out right away. First, the sole is two tone and would need to be painted one color. Second, in the front on view they seem to flare out quite a bit as they go up the "smoke stack". This should be more of a straight tube with little to no flare. That could be the way the Velcro is fastened though I suppose, but if it's the way the vinyl is cut it might be an issue. I don't know if it would jam up approval, but it's not really right. Kind of a bummer because they do look well made. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  14. Nor I, but it's a very fair price for the quality, included shipping, the amount of prep work they do, and the customer service.
  15. Looks pretty good, maybe in just a touch. It used to be "lined up with the outside ribs" but it really seems more "lined up with the underarm edges of the chest armor". Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  16. The Allen screws face front. It doesn't matter which bicep you put which on as they're identical on the SC, but just watch when you put the armor on that they're facing forward.
  17. I took in the legs and arms on my RedKap. I stitched closed the slits to get to the pants pockets, but left the actual pockets open. The belt hides them quite well. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  18. Yep. I put my patches on with the legs split open. I was taking the legs in anyway so it wasn't a huge deal. But it made it a lot easier. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  19. That's the stuff right there, kid Looks good.
  20. Rock n roll, Kurt! I'll be down at Legoland Saturday in my Scout if you're around (I see you're trooping it Sunday). I know there are a few folks who use the hard hat liner, but I'm not sure in what helmet. Someone will chime in Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  21. For Lancer, you have to choose 1, 4, or 6 stripes as those were the only combination on screen. For basic approval, any number is acceptable. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  22. Welcome! Have a look into the soft armor forum as well. A lot of what you need can be accomplished with some rudimentary sewing skills. If you can do it yourself or have someone help, you can definitely save a few bucks. Any questions, holler! Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  23. Aww yeah! Well done, Brother!
  24. Welcome Pedro! Once you have 5 posts, you'll gain access to the trade forum. Stop over to "Getting Started", tell us a little about yourself, and it'll open up
  25. You're definitely in the ball park with your template. I think you could have them go more "straight down" rather than curving back inward as they approach the knees. Take a look at this shot from the Costumes book: and you can see how far out they come into the front of the thigh. They don't need to wrap all the way around the back, but should cover your inner thigh as well. Think about how Scouts sit on the speeder: laid forward. A little tweaking and I think you're there!
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