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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Matt, I'm sorry you're having a hard time but please don't get discouraged. I know that I myself and some others in our Garrison have reached out and offered help. Hit us up! This is a deceptively easy costume, and like so much in life, the devil is in the details. But there's nothing that can't be taken care of. As far as KS - or any maker for that matter - nothing is guaranteed approved "out of the box". Ever. It's all about fit and finish. As far as the Standards, they reflect the Screen Used Costume accurately from the best available references. We should look like we walked off the screen, within reason. Obviously height and body type come into play there, but that takes me back to "fit and finish". You can get it there, but it takes patience. Good luck.
  2. Hey Greg! Looking good, brother. You're lanky like me, and I had to adjust my cummerbund (cut it down) to get my belt up where it needed to be sitting on my hips. Bigger pouches might not be a bad idea either. Overall, looks good. A little tweaking, but nothing major, imho. I love the off white pouches and straps. Take a few regular approval pics (front, back, sides) and post them here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=96 That's the pre-approval "show-off" thread. The guys here are awesome with advice. We'll get ya there, and before you know it the Pathfinders will rival Blizzard Force in the GLG!
  3. I have a micro fiber cloth in my tote and try to wipe everything down right when I take it off, or as soon as I get home. Even stubborn stuff - like sap - has come off with warm breath and gentle scrubbing.
  4. Shot in the dark, but could you lightly sand them out and then buff the knees? I used to repair guitars and I could get away with removing stubborn paint/schmutz from lacquer without distorting the glossy finish. I wouldn't go below 600 grit and wet sand, but that might be easier than trying to shade match.
  5. I was doing some research on abs yellowing and came across this instructable on an open source creation called retrObrite, which will allegedly reverse the yellowing that can occur to aging abs. It's intriguing, especially since the author is Legion and the instructable uses a TK bucket. Any first hand experience with this stuff? http://m.instructables.com/id/Restoring-yellowed-Stormtrooper-armor/
  6. Giddyup! Congrats, Brother.
  7. Here's the CRL flight suit section for a quick reference: Flight Suit For 501st approval: See the Scout Trooper Flight Suit page for detailed images of the patches described below. The undersuit is a one or two-piece black textile suit, such as military flightsuits, motorcycle racing suits, industrial work clothing (Dickies), or similar suit modified appropriately. Must have a suede or faux suede butt flap attached above the waist hidden by the cummerbund, rectangle in shape. The flap is slightly narrower than the width of the trooper and stop slightly higher than the bottom edge of the troopers backside. Suede or faux suede thigh patches must be present, extending over the flight suit crotch and down the front finishing above the knee armor. The thigh patches must be secured by 50mm (2") black elastic, sewn in under the front and back of the thigh patch. *Suit must not have any visible labels, logos or zippers (including built in flight suit pockets).* Is this what you meant by things to remove? If your suit didn't have any, then you're good to go If so, a seam ripper will make quick work of pockets or patches. I'm not sure what the best way to deal with visible zippers would be.
  8. Haha! Walked right in to that one
  9. You'll love building your boots! The stickied tutorial is great, though I used a heat gun instead of a hot car (December in Michigan) Anything is personnel...
  10. I used snaps instead of Velcro on my knees, forearms, and biceps. Very happy with the result. And for the love of the Emperor, keep the forearms out of the gloves! I have the top of my forearm armour about 1 inch from my elbow. There's space between the bicep and forearm, but not huge. I have long arms so I tried to get it to look right on me. That's the key. Suit up. Flex. Pose. Blast something. Watch how it looks and moves and you'll find the sweet spots.
  11. I definitely spent more time researching and asking questions than I did actually building The folks here are pretty awesome and very helpful. Check out the armor and helmet forums. I'd be surprised if there was a question you couldn't find the answer to. But if you do, just ask!
  12. The thing I like about E-6000 (and this may be true of some of the other adhesives) is that I could heat it slightly and adjust or reposition if I had to. I screwed up my calves -had them flip flopped- and was able to take it apart and correct it without having to remake anything.
  13. Looking good! I agree, the boxes look positioned better. A little higher and less in front than your original pics.
  14. Looks good, tho the ears in the straight on pic look a little on the big side. Would this be printed as two pieces (helmet and visor/faceplate) or a one piece slip-on?
  15. I'd be curious to see how the thigh suede looks when sewn on, being heavier than the scrub material. As for the dickey, it would probably look ok but to me it's "another" layer after the suit, bund, and vest to worry about shifting around. And you'd still have to rig it for the collar flap. Just some thoughts
  16. Awesome! Great work, Grumpy. I love this "hybrid" version.
  17. No chance the zippers will be covered by your vest or armor? The Redkap coverall is easy to mod: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004KJPTLC/ref=s9_simh_gw_d0_g193_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=mobile-1&pf_rd_r=1MB7X7478SW8YKDXDJ08&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2068141862&pf_rd_i=mobile I was able to do most of it by hand, with zero sewing skill. I did have some help with the bigger adjustments like taking in the legs and sleeves. Check with your garrison for someone local who could help with sewing. The Wampa Wear flight suit is close, but still needs suede, and possibly some other tweaks. Not exactly sure. CB does a flight suit, but I'm not sure of his good standing as a vendor currently.
  18. Boom. Congrats, Brother!
  19. Nice work, Isaac! Your adjusted pics look killer, man.
  20. I used 2 snaps on each pouch, one top and one bottom corner. I can pop them off if I need to, and they still have some sway without looking droopy. I still use Velcro under the chest plate to keep them snug.
  21. I ordered these Redkap coveralls from Amazon. Cheap, easy to mod. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004KJPTLC/ref=mp_s_a_1_sc_1?qid=1431961542&sr=8-1-spell&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=redkap+coveralls I had to take mine in a bit in the sleeves and legs, but it wasn't too terrible.
  22. If you're looking for XL gloves, I have an extra pair from Wampa in the trade forum And agreed: Panda's build is the go-to. Lots of cool tricks to get your rig looking sharp! It's a lot to take in, so take your time and have fun. We're here to help, so don't hesitate to ask any questions. Welcome and good luck!
  23. I'm making a second pair too. Learned a lot on the first
  24. We got going on our builds around the same time, and I've followed your build as I worked on mine. I think things are looking great, bud! I've come to the humbling realization that this will forever be a work in progress. Tweaking, adjusting, upgrading... But I'm cool with that. I agree with the above comment. My build was very therapeutic. I'd get off 2nd shift, get home around midnight, my wife and boy asleep, and work for a few hours. Quiet, a couple beers... 'twas good for the soul Take a break if you're getting burned, but don't abandon it.
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