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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Lookin' good! Might just be the picture, but the pinstripe looks like it's further out to the left than it is to the right.
  2. Full suit up today: (I'm missing mud flap and shoulder bridge covers, thigh boxes are just clamped in front to allow for adjustment) My son Bob - I mean Jango - wanted to get in on the action
  3. Good work, brother!
  4. Finished my vest today with the help of my awesome mom Now, a couple ice cold Silver Bullets, some Pearl Jam on the hi-fi, and I'm not getting up until these thigh boxes and straps are done!
  5. Nice job! I only went halfway up around the toe on mine, but this looks really good. Might have to get the exact-o back out! What kind of boot is that?
  6. Thanks Brother! I'm trying to get everything ready for submission next week. Hopefully we can catch a troop together soon.
  7. Welcome! I think you'll find the general consensus to be: SC armor is a solid choice. I'm finishing my SC kit as we speak. Lots of scouts use this gear. That helmet, you're gonna want to pass on. It's a pretty lousy sculpt amongst other issues (unreliable seller is a big one). I looked at that racing suit myself when I was getting started, and it was and still seems to be available only in XXL. It would be a great choice without a ton of modding if that size works for you. Read a lot, ask a lot of questions. There's a ton of great folks here ready and willing to help!
  8. Got crackin' on the flak vest using Scout.trooper's excellent tut. Got the length and neck cut and hemmed. I'm trying something just a little different with the sleeves: Instead of removing the sleeves, I opened the bottom seam and flayed the sleeve out, then pinned to the new sleeve "back" and I'll slide the batting inside. More of a sleeve calzone than a sleeve sandwich So far so good.
  9. This is a great tutorial! Thanks, Scout!
  10. These boots are cheap, light, and the sole carving was easy peasy! http://m.kmart.com/texas-steer-men-s-kmax2-5inch-wheat-work-boot/p-035VA74213912P?sid=KDx01192011x000001&kpid=035W007979503001&kispla=035VA74213912P Solid color soles too! Using the tutorial, I ended up with this:
  11. That's the plan for today! Heading out to get a tshirt shortly. Thanks again, brother!
  12. Maybe one of our Grizzled Veterans has a thought on this? Here's the pic from 501st.com:
  13. Thanks, Jason! Yeah, I wasn't 100% on those rivets that join the "buckle" piece to the two side boxes, but I just wasn't confident in e6000 only, so I went for it. The visible part of the rivet will be painted white. I made peace with the decision going off the 501st CRL page, which doesn't specifically prohibit rivets under the Basic Clearance section. In fact, the belt picture in the CRL appears to have FOUR rivets (two per side, plus the rivets joining the webbing). ...dice roll I guess, but I didn't want it coming apart.
  14. I'm a novice at best when it comes to sewing, and have done the majority of my undersuit by hand. But I enlisted my mom's trusty Singer to knock out the sleeves, and it was done in no time!
  15. I decided to do snaps ala Panda's tutorial for the drop box straps. Here, I've glued and clamped the snap plates. I'll probably do rivets to connect the box straps to the back of the belt behind the det, but I'm seriously thinking about doing snaps for the strap connections inside the thigh boxes as well. Any pros or cons with this method? Honestly, I'm getting burned out on stitching Velcro and just wanted to try something different
  16. Thanks, Lou! I couldn't let that sweet lid stare at a box of unbuilt armor.
  17. Well, I just kinda went for it with the pinstripe. I think it might be a touch too high though.
  18. Yep. Gashed the front of my suit taking a breast pocket off. Luckily it's covered. Go slow with the ripper. Don't force it
  19. I'm very happy with it. Shoot me a pm if you want details. Word on the street is that our own Darth Voorhees makes a splendid sidearm as well!
  20. Just got tanked! I'm getting ready to put on my rank bars and pinstripe, but the SC kit has these 5 smaller bars. I'm thinking for the holster even though they don't really go on the holster?
  21. Man, you nailed the black detail around the snout. Everything looks killer. Good job!
  22. Thanks so much, Jim! I've got the pedal to the metal this week. Really want to button everything up and get my pre-approval pics up here for some critique. ...ithinkicanithinkicanithinkican... Speaking of HTG, I got my blaster painted. I was going to knock it around a bit to get the metallic aluminum to show up and give it some history, but i decided to let it happen naturally.
  23. Looking sharp, Scout!
  24. And a bit more in depth for Lancer Specs: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12081&pid=104951&st=0entry104951
  25. I don't think the sole will fly on those, being two-toned. The stitching would probably be sufficiently covered by the trim. Shame though. The soles do look like they'd lend themselves to the cut outs well. From the CRL: "For level two certification (if applicable): The boots have slots cut into the heels as seen on film. The boot sole is a single color with no visible stitching."
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