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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. Hey buddy! Sorry I was out of town for my birthday. That's looking pretty good! So what's the deal with the frown? Does the black series MT have a silver frown or not? Some pics it looks like it and some it's hard to tell
  2. Yeah as others have noted there are flipped shots all over ROTJ, causing us no end of headaches LOL This scout in particular has the stunt armor and helmet, which also looks different than the standard Scout.
  3. On behalf of Pathfinders Command, it is my pleasure to welcome Dennis "@AradunFF" Mueller (TB-60446) to the illustrious ranks of the Lancer scouts! Great job, Dennis!! Make sure you send a picture of your coolest pose to us for addition to the Pathfinders Hall of Fame. Check out TB-60446's application here:
  4. Thanks bud, I'll take a look tonight after work!
  5. Cura. It's under "experimental" but they've worked great. They use less filament and they break off very clean.
  6. Took 30 hours but here's one shoulder bell! And can I just say I love the tree supports. They look so creepy.
  7. Okay belt language has been updated. LOL I guess I never revised that part from when I stuck up the original draft CRL.
  8. I'll look at it in a bit, pretty sure thats just placeholder language in there right now
  9. Okay added more pics and tweaked some more language, especially with the neck seal. I stole the Deathtrooper neck seal pic so that we can give people the option of wearing a neck seal/bib separate from the shirt. I know, I wouldn't do it, but some people would! I added the E-22. So we just need new pics of your bucket after you add the silver trim and I was wondering if you could get a picture of the gaiters on the boots? Might help people understand the concept better. No shin armor, just the gaiters.
  10. Okay added a few more images and tweaked some more of the language, particularly about the TD. Do we know what the blaster is?
  11. Okay we'll look at it. At this point it's finishing touches. Switched out the boot pic and added the description about the heel.
  12. Good catch. I'll swap them out
  13. Okay I've been updating the CRL with Dustin's photos, got a lot of them done so far. In a few instances I used photos already available elsewhere on the Wiki. Your pictures were great, Dustin, it's just that one gets tired of cutting out backgrounds after awhile and it was just easier to steal an image or two Also I used typical First Order boots for our Boots example. I don't want anyone to think they need to get knee high boots for this costume. Especially since the boots are completely covered from the ankle up.
  14. Christina Your WIP has been a masterclass on how to weather. I don't agree that yours doesn't look right, but it's your art and far be it for me to tell you "it's fine" when you don't feel that way. Just please don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Thanks for all your hard work, people will be referring to your build thread for years to come.
  15. Thanks bud. If you could take nice clear pics of each piece of gear too that would be a massive help
  16. Yeah there's definitely an argument to be made that they are both tassets but the ST hip armor has been called a fauld for awhile and it's kinda stuck.
  17. Left forearm printed!
  18. Hey folks I've been preparing the CRL for the Wiki and made a few edits here and there. I was doing some unrelated research on medieval armor and I think the hip pieces for the Mountain Trooper are more appropriately called "Tassets". "Fauld" seems to be a better description for what the Shoretrooper wears. So I have changed it to "Tasset" in the CRL language. I've added in some photos where we had some posted up. Getting pretty close on this one!
  19. I'm doing a shadow patrol trooper. Hahaha. These are getting coated with XTC-3D, then gray filler primer. After that they will be painted white!
  20. Got the biceps printed first.
  21. I was torn between buying armor and 3D printing, but with @MrPoopie's 3D files being recently released, I'm going the 3D printer route! Armor and Helmet: MrPoopie's 3D files (https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/other/patrol-trooper) Jacket: @StephTrooper (not ordered yet) Pants: Uniform Warehouse (https://www.uniformswarehouse.com/striped-polyester-slacks-68986.html) Boots: TuffRider Men's Baroque Dress Boots (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003YLQAXS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Gloves: EndorFinders (https://www.endorfinders.com/costume-accessories/tfa-stormtrooper-gloves)
  22. We are going to update the Lancer specs to include the specific rivet size for L2 because we know that's caused some confusion. However, the 1/8 rivets are used in the CRL photos and a CRL is text and images. Sometimes the text can't convey everything and that's where the pictures come in. Frankly it was never put in because it was never an issue until recently. Suddenly folks started using bigger rivets despite all the advice on the forum. So sometimes the CRL needs to catch up to where people are headed and steer them down the right path. Thanks for your understanding!
  23. I think it looks very good! You may have gone beyond "medium-to-heavy" to just plain "heavy" in spots but overall nicely done. Maybe back down some of the heavier bits. Also, your TD tube needs to be weathered. Its a little on the light side.
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