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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. What did you fill the seam with? Bondo, caulking, or glue painted white?
  2. I made one from a 1 cup measuring cup found at FoodCo Grocery Store. Ran me $1.88 & an hour of my time.
  3. Automotiveworkwear has a Fathers Day discount code. enter DAD for 10% off you total order. The 6 is probably female sizes. The double digets are male
  4. Thats a real nice helmet. Now I don't know which one to buy. Wanted a KS, Then heard the neg reviews. Saw someone bought a CB & was extremely happy with it, the good reviews started coming in on the KS. Now your here with the comparrison of the two. Ohh the horror of which to buy Gotta decide quick, payday is tomorrow
  5. Those look alot better than the first pair. Didn't know how you were gonna mod that horizonal zipper.
  6. Sure. send me a PM
  7. **Attention all prospective future sales, for the time being this sale thread is now closed. Until back orders and past sales are fulfilled and up to date.** Please only now post in this thread, if you are waiting for a suit or refund. Thanks Marcel Detachment Leader
  8. Thanks Marcel. I will add the dog bone & toe strip tomorrow.
  9. I belive the collar is supposed to pull away from your right to left.
  10. Looks really good. What helmet do you have?
  11. . Marcel when you say entire trim. Do you mean just apply the glue around the edge so the middle is free floating? Or do you mean glue the entire underside of the dogbone? Don't wanna get anything lost in our diffrent versions of english.
  12. Looks great. I think Im gonna take the pluge on payday & order me a KS.
  13. TO ALL NOOBS, DON'T THINK YOU CAN GET APPROVED WITH NON SCREEN BOOTS. I know everyone here wants to be "screen accurate" but Im with Chris. Im in the process of making some summer boots right now. I do have screen boots I wear to my troops, but Im dredding the 100'+ summer comming up. I've never been in a LFL troop due to they always want a "screen look" troopers & there are no fat troopers in Star Wars so I can't troop those events. My troops are local charity fundraiser types. All the little kids who I make smile don't care if I have a screen boot. As for the we wouldn't permit it, Really? I'd tell who ever said that to me to kiss my & troop as I wanted. But Chris stay away from those ugly rubber boots, just on ugly alone. Im working on full leather boots with most of the screen look, but would be able to withstand extra hot summers. In the cooler temps I'll wear my screen boots. We all have to have some common sense. Costumes in films are meant to be worn a few times & discarded. They were meant to be seen & not "lived" in. Not to be worn over & over in severe weather conditions.
  14. Hi All, Just a quick question. Im working on my Summer Scout boots & need some help. Im ready to apply the dog bone & wanted to know how everyone does it. Should I apply E-6000 on the entire underside then lay it on the boot or just apply it to the ends?
  15. The riding suit is extremly easy. All you have to do is get a seam ripper & take off the pockets. The collar is what reqires some basic skill with a sewing machine. The tutorials here call for a rectangle piece that pulls away to the left. I chose to replace the entire collar with a "arrow" shaped end similar to the Tie Pilot & XWing flightsuits.
  16. Do you have any sewing skills? I can walk you through on how to convert a work coverall into correct riding suit. It's really easy & can be done in a day. If not PM me & maybe we can work something out
  17. Looks Hella Good!
  18. Don't forget to place the leg bands & add a couple stiches to keep in place before you iron your suede down. Leg bands go about 2" down from the crotch.
  19. Bring up the leg bands about 5"
  20. Jim, Have you seen the movie "Hunter Prey"? they took off the shelf Nerf guns & repainted. Couple added scopes. One of the bounty hunters is wearing a TK chest plate & shoulder bell. The Centurion's seem to be wearing mod'd Mando helmets. Check it out & let me know what else you see in there.
  21. Thanks Heidi, Really love modifing blasters. My next project is a wookie bowcaster. I was able to find the same model Horton Safari Crossbow used in the original Star Wars. Just need to figure out the front sights & it will all come togeher.
  22. This is good news. I really wanted a KS.
  23. Finished Scout Carbine. I went for the Concept Scout look. Will add the sling later on in the week.
  24. Spent the day finishing up my carbine. I filled in the holes with bondo, added windage/elevation knobs, & made the lenses out of plexiglass & a 7Up bottle. And sanded the whole thing. If it's warm tomorrow I'll paint & weather it. [/b]
  25. After seeing a few concept pictures with the Scouts engaged in combat with a carbine & sniper rifle. I wanted a rifle for non cannon troops & self photographs. I purchased a Hyperfirm DLT-19, but this did not feel right, too long & bulky. To me it didn't fit the costume. As the scouts are an advanced infantry unit who are lightly armored & constantly on the go. I thought a carbine would be better suited to the Imperial Scout Trooper. So I modified a Clone Blaster with Nerf collapsable stock, & added some pvc pipe & sprinkler parts to the scope. I'll add the scope lenses & few more greeblies tomorrow. I will also fill in all the screw holes with bondo. Not sure yet, but mite add a bipod to the underside of the barrel. I kept the original scope & magazine because they make sounds when removed or reattached. The blaster also makes original Star Wars blaster sounds when the trigger is pulled. I picked up the clone customizable blaster few years ago at Target for $9.00, & the pvc & was under $3.00. The greeblies I got from my garrage, I save all neat little pieces to use in future projects. Will paint & weather later on in the week. Will post completed pics......
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