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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. This is easy. I answered you in your other post. Use a brand new exacto knife & make gentle shallow cuts then gently lift a lil. Repeate til seperated. Do not use too much pressure ir it will break. Slow down take your time. In other words. Couple cuts & lift, repeat. I've done this myself & will use this technique on my TD when the new geeebile comes next week.
  2. What kind of glue did you use? I've had success removing E6000 & Gorilla Glue with a brand new exacto knife. Making gentle cuts then lift, repeating til it seperated.
  3. My boots are steel toe
  4. Looks great! In the market for a new helmet myself.
  5. I used a heavy weight cotton with white felt inside to give it that "pillow" look.
  6. Had the same problem. Wife's din't know what to look for when taking pictures.
  7. It is for now. Was gonna get a KS. But then all the bad reviews started coming in. Guess their molds are getting worn.
  8. Does the size seem right?
  9. I made this today. I found a picture of the chin cup with a measuring tape laying across.
  10. Hello, Can someone post multiple angle pics of the chin cup. If possible can you also give me the dimenssions, especially the front "scoop" height. Thanks for the help
  11. Ooooh just in time for payday
  12. Yipeee! Isn't it a great feeling after all the long hours you put in & now you get to be your favorite Star Wars charecter? Looks Great, Job well done!
  13. Look for children's rain boots. If they're not white,you can paint them. I think RustOleum makes a rubber spray paint.
  14. Too Cool & love the crate
  15. im a bigger Scout too, 5'8, 250lb. I use MC armor & most people here whould gag. But I use a modified Don Post helmet. This has plenty of room for my melon. It looks good & Im happy with it. Im on the far right.
  16. i use the Red Kapp Coveralls for all my Imperial needs. What I do is add elastic & make a stir up to hel keep the pant leg down.
  17. Looking good!
  18. For a child that is growing so fast. Maybe u shud just use black sweats or tights. If u want a jumpsuit, im sure you can find patterns a local fabric store.
  19. just regular 2" elastic. it can be found at any fabric store, or walmart. justin if your trully having trouble finding it. pm me & we can work something out.
  20. Took this at Red Rock Canyon on Sunday.
  21. How about you go to Harbor Freight & buy a heat gun for $9. Lay that piece flat on a work bench, use on low for just a few seconds, because it will melt your helmet too. Press a piece of wood into that corner & make it flat again. Then once you receive the desired shape, let cool & use some Bondo Fiberglass repair kit (Walmart $15) & apply to the inside to reinforce that repair job. sand & paint the inside of your helmet & its saved. im no expert, but I have been making props & costumes for the last few years.
  22. Leg bands are snug & in the proper spot now.
  23. What you want is "HEATnBOND ULTRAHOLD" iron-on adhesive. Here's the website, but they only sell by the bolt. You can find it at any fabric store. I think I paid $7 a yard. Well worth it. I also used the Magic Web $5yd, not sure who the manufactuer is. The magic web is not as strong, & the one you need the wet cloth to use. The Heat n Bond is easier to use. Just need a hot iron, press, hold 10sec lift & place on next section & repeat until all fabric is covered. Let cool & your good to go. http://www.thermowebonline.com/p/ultrahold-35-yard-bolt?pp=24
  24. The leg bands were too low. When I was assembling my Scout the only info I could find on placement was "Just above the knee pad" So thats where I put them. I have since raised them to the proper height. I also raised the bottom of the cummerbund about an inch so it doesn't hang down below the belt.
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