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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. I put elastic around the ankels & elastic stir ups in all my riding suits. .88 X 2 at Walmart, & you will have plenty left over. Your probably gonna use about 6-8 inches on leg. You will wanna get the 1/4" for the ankels & the 3/4" for the stir up.
  2. I wouldn't cut. For some reason when you cut them they will not sit right & stick out even worse. Just roll them under, thats what I do. Once you cut there is no turning back. Also you could put a piece of velcro on the outside of the sleeve & anoher on the inside of your bicep armor & attach the bicp over the sleeve & have the elastic hold down the underside.
  3. You can use a dark green or charcoal welders faceshield. You can pick one up from a hardware store or eBay. Normally run about $10. Take some poster board & make your pattern. Remember to make it abot 1/2" wider than the eye opening. Trace the pattern onto the faceshield & cut with some sharp scissors or tin snips. Use E6000 to glue the lense in place.
  4. I made this out of a few diffrent toy blasters & some PVC pipes. I use it as my Scout "carbine"
  5. Never had that issue. Maybe your elastic is too tight? can you loosen it up while still keeping it in place? My issue was it sliding down when I walked. I solved this by adding about a 2" square piece of velcro to the vest sleeve & inside top of the armor. Havn't had a problem since.
  6. You dont want that padding. Belive me you'll make all the TK's & other costumes jealous when you can lift your face mask to get air & they cant. Just get some lite paddind for the dome & sides. You can buy military type foam padding from ebay or anairsoft store. Peel & stick where you need them.
  7. Im in the same boat. My KS has a gap where the dome meets the back. I did not buy the kit & received it in a trade. These two parts were already glues together. I havn't worked on it because I don't know what to fill the gap with. All the helmets I see seem to be made to look as one piece.
  8. Pictures didn't post
  9. Im the opposite. My KS is too lite for me. I purchased one of cucblacks fiberglass helmets this morning
  10. I added velcro to the bund & back of the pouch. I just apply & let hang. My poches are filled with a foam square. Lite but keeps the shape
  11. You got the hardest part to nail down. Rest is easy now. Besides I hear you got yourself a bitch'n riding suit
  12. Don't go cheap or try to modify some gloves that aren't right. Spend a lil more money & get something that will last. SithArmor is selling off his remaing stock. He has all sizes, better get them while they are stil available. http://www.ebay.com/itm/WORLDS-FINEST-BIKERSCOUT-BIKER-SCOUT-STYLE-INSPIRED-LEATHER-GLOVES-SIZE-LARGE-/290951543150?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43be10396e#ht_26945wt_1399
  13. Welcome Fellow SoCal Scout. If you have a larger head than most your gonna want a KS helmet. They also make the rest of the armor. SC makes good armor, but I hear the helmet is on the small side. Both KS & SC offer kits with & without helmets as well as individual parts.
  14. Oops sorry didn't see you were making a BARC
  15. KS is the largest bucket out there. Email them, kit was running around $150 + $20sh. Thats gonna be your best option.
  16. This is a great heat gun. It works extremely well! becarful with it or you will ruin your armor. Keep at a fair distance, I'd sugget about 15" away, on low & continus motion. I burnt through a very thick plastic picnic table with mine. Can't remeber what I was heating up, but I still have the table as a reminder. Im sure this works with all heat guns.
  17. Been finished for a few months now. Have sevral troops in it & a "modified Sniper Scout" version of it. Working on a Snow Scout now. Will be done with that one in a few days. Sorry for the off topic hi jack
  18. You can find them for sale on the forums couple times a year or you can search eBay. They normally run about $30. They come in two diffrent colors. A brown camo or a gray camo paint job. Just repaint & add greeblies of your choice. The pics with me in the them are of a "built up" one I purchased this year on the forums. The close up is one I made a few years back. Very easy to convert. The one I made I used plubming parts, & Legos, I used a 7-Up bottle for the lense. Just checked right now. There are sevral for sale around $20 with free shipping. Punch in Radica Sub Assault
  19. Thats an artist rending of the Radica Sub Assault hand held video game. The Sandtroopers used to modify the game as macrobinocs back in the day before people started making more accurate binoc kits. I have two myself.
  20. Or you can go to the .99 store & get any of the plastic bowls or storage boxes. Thats what I use.
  21. I used a white plastic bowl with straight sides I got from the .99 store to make a "bridge". This bridge conects the front & back armor. I placed some velcro on the underside of the bridge to hold my canvas covers. My covers wrap all the way around making a "9" & secure with velcro.
  22. Mine is sewn into the "cod" of the cumberbund & velcroed on the other end. Makes it real easy to get into.
  23. Theses are SithArmor Gloves. "Mypropcollection" is his eBay store name.
  24. Caulking it is then. Im slowly working on my KS
  25. Can't beat $1.88
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