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comm tech

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by comm tech

  1. Making a plaster mold, we will see how it turns out,,,could be good or it could be an EPIC failure! LOL Now it is just a waiting game.
  2. A couple of pics of my clay scuplts for the elbow straps. I did one of each style, one as a single piece that can have the middle blacked out & one of the two band option with an open middle. Will try to get these in plaster tomorrow. If they come out good I will start with the other pieces as well.
  3. Glove Greeb Mold Still trying to get the color right, but the lighting really does play a number on these little things. This is the second pull I did Mold for the Arm Bands, I made my mold a little thicker than what came with the BC kit, but I wanted to make sure it was strong enough. Looks ok at first, but then.... This is why I learn the hard way,,,,Use clay as a material to mold off of, not wood. Didn't even think about when I made it, but wood swells when wet. LOL oh well know better next time.
  4. Yeah I made a mold and casted the greebs. Still needs to have a bit of weathering done to it. The color tinting for the exact color match is coming along. I made mine out of dragon skin, but I would suggest using something a little cheaper. For the dragon skin you can expect to pay about $20-$25 in Material (for part A & . I would check out the Smoothon website for some good alternatives. I am making molds for the bicep and knee straps so I can mold them in Grey color as well. Tired of the paint rubbing off so easy. not a pro working with the clay so there is a pretty big learning curve.
  5. Making the first pulls out of my new glove greeb molds. Need to get the color a little bit closer and clean up 4 or 5 little air bubbles in the molds.
  6. I agree with DR, a little more camo, but good news is it is always easier to add than take away...Trust me on that. LOL
  7. I have mine painted grey, but the paint does stick to the rubber strap. It does however stick to the armor it rubs against and the under suit, LOL Eventually I am going to make some molds and cast mine in grey
  8. Thanks Brent. I already have the drop pouches and the two back tall pouches lightened and greyed. The camo I knew I was taking a risk on the black, but it just made sense that there would be a primer coat, between the base camo tan and the "metal armor". If it has to be redone so be it. But what got to me this time was I sprayed the flat clear coat first thing on Tuesday AM and because the humidity was to high, it dried with a white have. Used to happen in the wood finishing company I used to work for up north. SO I am going to have to rub the pieces down with a scotchbrite pad and then respray them again, with the clear. It will be fine, just very aggrivating.
  9. Just ready to give up :6: :6:
  10. Disc on Helmet......Crap just one more thing to add to the So close but still have to do list. I have a friend that works with vinyl ( he owns a sign company) gonna work with him on setting up a computer file with the layout of the eye decal. THat way all he has to do is load the black vinyl into his cutter and all the hard work is done for me. If it works out well, I may just have him make me a bunch of them, so we have a source for the decal, since they don't come with the kits.
  11. Ok So the day started out with a test fit for the new riding patch, switching from gray to oatmeal. Then it was off with the riding patch for some weathering and I figured lets try on the lower half of the out fit Painted the puches Tank greeb painted And finally my HEAVILY scared helmet. my wife now knows why I act the way I do, it is all the blunt force trauma.
  12. DR that box is AWESOME!! Very cool
  13. THanks guys. Here is todays work. Tomorrow I tackle the back piece and the helmet.
  14. First Piece done, only 14 more to go
  15. Base Coat is finished. Let it dry all day tomorrow and then do the brown and green over the weekend. Getting close
  16. All hard armor pieces have their first coat of camo flat tan base on them. Making a little more progress. Used two cans of camo on the first coat....Damn that is a lot of paint. Get two more cans tomorrow and try to get the last coat on Wed or Thurs night.
  17. My visor is E6000 on and will be there for life. LOL
  18. I am sorry to hear that he was turned down for it, but I will say that when I was sewing it watching the blueray, Brandon's bag did look like a really light leather. In the movie I would have guessed it was a 5oz or so leather.
  19. Rough week again so not much done today. Cut the straps to length for the forearm/elbow armor and inserted the female snap end. Same with the knee straps. Painted all the straps and the rubber arm greebs grey. Applied another layer of latex to the hard armor, to try to get the black to show around the silver a little when unmasked. Belt got another coat of grey as well. Cut out the new oatmeal colored riding patch. Too tired to go on. No Brent I have not gotten around to the stencils yet. Gonna try like hell to get this done to wear at TB Comic Con in two weeks.
  20. Thanks for the clarification guys
  21. I Agree with DR. It needs to be updated on the 501st CRL's.
  22. DR it looks like you are using a nylon webbing for the chest to back part of the 'T strip" and then it looks like you are using a black elastic to go from the top of the "t strip" down to the shoulder bells. Is this correct? I was going to do it all in nylon webbing, but it seams like elastic to the shoulder bell might work better. But then I have the biceps attached to the shoulder bell via nylon webbing as well, so I am afraid of the added weight on the elastic. Also on your shoulder bell, I see you still have the elastic strap from the knee pad (I assume) still intact, does this attach around your upper arm, and hold the bell in place?
  23. There is one more knee cover, but it is hidden down below. Had a slight issue with the chestplate, it hit the floor with wet black on it. Greebs are done. Just gotta work on the straps. Gonna wait to see what my buddy says about paint adhesion.
  24. Who was in charge of making sure I hit all of my hard armor pieces with chrome and black paint???!!?! I thought I had everything black and ready to aplly a little bit more latex and I found my toe caps stuck in a corner all covered in primer, waiting for the chrome. Damn it!!! After DR and BSelph forgetting pieces, I told myself this would not happen to me. Guess I was wrong
  25. Finished sewing my velcro for the pouches on my cumberbund. Lady sew for us makes a very durable product (the cumberbund) but to try to sew velcro on top of the 5 very heavy layers of existing fabric, was a bit tough. But, my wife is a great sewing person. Also sewed a 2" strip of velcro on to the belt. I will be placing a few pieces of velcro on the inside of the cumberbund to hold it in place.
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