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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Here's the link to their site and the TD: http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/thebelt.html
  2. I heard from KS last night on my kit (been about 10 weeks now). They had a master cast issue that caused a delay and recast of some parts. That's my issue and I'm working through it. BUT they definitely owe you an explanation. Your kit should have included the helmet lens and the detonator tube. Anyways, you can find similar tubing at Lowes or Home Depot in the plumbing section, near PVC pipes. I have heard vacuum tubing can work too. Just get the right size and paint it grey. The greeblies are kind of another topic. They are typically (and can be) either (2) rectangle and (1) round black button, or (3) rectangle and (1) round black button. Here's a good topic link where I learned some stuff: http://forum.bikersc...?showtopic=8614 501st Biker Scout CRL: http://www.501st.com...B_Scout_trooper
  3. Well, I heard from Scott @ KS last night and my armor kit and helmet has been delayed. Apparently, one of their master armor molds suffered damage on one of the last few runs. When replaced, the parts done before did not match the parts after so...a completely new run is taking place now. In other news...I have a new MG34 coming for a new DLT-19, a Star Wars Event at a Best Buy for the Blu-Ray release, and Realm Con coming in October!
  4. UPDATE: I have been working on making a flak vest while waiting for my armor and helmet kit. Don't we all just love waiting?!?!? I've also been in touch with my local Star Garrison and CTX squadron. I am going to help out as a handler for an event for the Blu-Ray release next week. Very excited to meet some local troops and help out. The whole experience and all of the help of BSN Witness, Army Scout, Lonewolf, Hollywood Chex, CCBacara, Atomaton and others is really appreciated. I hope to have the armor kit and helmet in about a week. Pics coming soon.
  5. Hey there...not sure if you have seen this one. It's a Hyperfirm design, kinda pricy but really nice looking. http://blog.sci-fire.com/?cat=4
  6. I had never seen a Shadow Scout Trooper so thanks for posting it!
  7. As always thanks Dave. I ordered an unfinished MG34 from them to convert to a DLT-19. It's mostly cheap, hollow plastic, but once I fill, paint, and detail it (and add the scope), it should look good. But like you said, poorly detailed.
  8. Here's my CS6 for non-cannon events. I'm working on a Maverick and one of those double-barrel dudes now.
  9. I'll let you know how my holster goes...! Again, great work man.
  10. As always, nice work Luis! I should have my armor parts in the next week. The holster has been bugging the crap outta me since I have NEVER done a rivet. What was the hardest part of it? Seriously man, I've followed your progress since the beginning. AWESOME!
  11. Watching ep 3 now...hmmm I want to do this one too. Great job.
  12. Hollywood is spot on. Also, If you go for a Rubies style 'helmet' it will require a lot of work.
  13. Yeah, I sent him the lens material for his bucket. He had to trim it and heat it up to fit. Looks good though.
  14. I think KS is good. My armor and stuff is coming from them as well. The lens material is some leftover 3mm I got from a welder's shield/mask. Check out CCBacara's helmet build for a sample. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8685&hl=&fromsearch=1
  15. Cool! She is a great costumer and her TB antics are hilarious! I think your helmet will be fine once you start the build, get padding, etc. I'm sure Scott will hook you up with the lens - bummer. If not, I've got some xtra lens material too if you need it.
  16. Hey Nicole - The girl in this video (riblet) is about your height I think. Her helmet is a KS bucket. I'm not sure about the armor parts, but think it may be KS. The video is pretty funny too.
  17. As I understand it, this is a Lancer requirement along with the riding patch, straps, and the flak vest (for screen accuracy). None of these are required for general 501st TB.
  18. Try and find some sort of gloves too, or you might cut the crap out of your fingers.
  19. WOW, that's all I can say Luis! That really looks outstanding sir!
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