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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Looks pretty good man, nice job. You might consider trimming and/or sanding a wee bit more off. Here's a shot of an original screen used helmet for reference.
  2. Check out the official CRL for the biker scout. All parts are listed. I will send you a PM with more details. Biker Scout CRL: http://www.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_Scout_trooper
  3. Looks good, the fit is not too bad. For approval, you will need to add the TD greeblie and cover the chest/back join areas. Those are easy updates and will help complete the costume. Not required, but I'd replace the bolt covers on the KS helmet too.
  4. Cool, I'm sure you will do awesome.
  5. IMO, general approval comes down to the overall look of the applicant and the Garrison Membership Liason (GML) who approves for your Garrison. Some GML-s are more aggressive than others. In general, the neck closure does not affect approval since it cannot be seen. If you decide to go for Lancer approval, you will need to follow a more screen accurate approach. Hope this helps...
  6. I wish that I had this skill and tools Rob. Awesome work, very top-notch indeed.
  7. I would add a flap to cover the front part and you should be good to go. I've also got the Redkap coveralls and made a mandarin collar style flap using one of the pockets I removed. I sewed the flap to one side, then flip my collar up and I added Velcro to the suit and flap to close it up. It works really nice for me. Also, I wear my balaclava on the outside. There is no specification that I am aware of to the contrary. Balaclava For 501st approval: "A balaclava is a black head sock/hood that is worn under the helmet and is used primarily to hide any view of the wearer's skin and/or facial hair."
  8. Here is some information and a link from SC; very good stuff on the scout holdout blaster. "The generic measurement of the scout blaster is 21cm long (from tip of the barrel to end of the gun) and an 4cm inches maximum width for the main body. The barrel is 1cm in diameter. The Single Point Scope is 18.5cm long and 3.2cm in diameter at the back of the scope. The general diameter of the scope tube is 2.5cm." http://www.studiocre...theblaster.html
  9. Cool, you are sooo close now! Keep up the great work on it!
  10. I have the DJ greeblie you listed; it's a good one. For 501st approval, the TD greeblie is now required. The CRL was modified to represent that change several months ago. At that same time, the riding patch, straps, and flak vest were also added.
  11. Rob...wow, even your rough pulls look pretty good mate. Nice work!
  12. Looks really good Micke, nice work on this setup and build.
  13. Not a bad idea. I did up an E-11 with a flat black that almost looks grey in color. I primed it first with automotive grey oxide primer, hit it with a really flat black, then weathered it doing a dry brush silver. The end result is almost a grey-ish-black finish.
  14. Looks good! You know Eric, I'm in Hurst now, right up the road from you man.
  15. Overall, looks very good...nice job. Mostly, just some adjustments for the "look and feel" but nothing that would affect approval. I'd pull up your cummberbund, which will help to pull the pouches up (as noted above). You def. need to have the forearm armor over the gloves. Over time, you might consider altering your suit a tad to be less baggy. Again, nothing that would affect general-clearance, just little things to make it look better. Great work.
  16. Great job. I would just make sure the pouches are not too tall. The last thing you want is overly large, tall pouches with a short body frame. What is your height?
  17. Wow, this is coming along nicely Marcel! Awesome work mate!
  18. I also used E6000. If you do, make sure to let it cure/dry for at least 18-20 hours.
  19. I'm a rider (own a Harley) and like your idea. But, unless the helmet really looks like something used in the ROTJ movie, it's not going to be approvable. I'm thinking it would be hard to make a DOT approved helmet and stay within the tight constraints of something similar to what is used on screen. However, I have seen some really cool Star Wars motorcycle helmets online. There's a ton of Stormtrooper, Tie, and other helmets with air brushing done to make them look similar. Not really accurate, but still look cool. I did find this one a few months back and thought it was cool. I've thought about doing the air brush thing and adding details to make it look better.
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