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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB-7076

  1. I haven't been in touch with Jim personally but remember him from his positive activity around the boards for quite some time which earned him a well deserved place as the keeper of this place as well as a place in the memory of quite a lot of us attending the BSN and Spec Ops. My condolences to his family and all who were (as) close to him. Very sad news
  2. I had to pre-order from a third party so...still 2 yrs waiting. DV helmet for me would be irrelevant anyways - so no harm except for the waiting time and blocked cash (at least my supplier did not demand payment in advance so that the money remained with me. I hope the waiting soon will end. Unfortunately the optimistic forecast - April 2016 - which I got just a few days earlier from the supplier I have orderd I can probably forget about. Seems christmas this year might be (still an optimistic) shipping date hearing the lids are still not in final stages.... dang...
  3. I hate how you are right with that statement :/ At least enough time to raise some money and hope for a new run or even kits from RS.
  4. As far as I have learned from Andy the company is now located in the netherlands... I would love to go there with the boots I have to speak with them first hand and making sure the missing ridge is added. I was not able to get these copied yet but as Andy already got new scans... Note - we might gather more potential mobilizing the rebel endor troopers out there as they need the same boot base as us scouts do. With the spin off movie "Rogue One - A Star Wars Story" we are going to revisit the classic trilogy era again. So there might be new fuel to the old stuff as well. Still need 4 pairs for myself....so let's make it happen somehow.
  5. You're really lucky that you got the right colour. I have to stick with the green ones and repaint them or something :/
  6. I cannot understand it as said earlier but I appreciate it. Guess I have mine this xmas then. At least we have confirmation now.
  7. Ordered July 7th last year...they still have some time left to avoid the embaressment reaching the one year mark.
  8. Well - at least they try to correct issues with the helmet.... ...but seriously - this is something to be tested prior to asking for money and go into production.
  9. Aside fromt he practical aspects some facts.... Pros: Regarding the old trilogy Scouts represent the final evolution of imperial costumes! The most innvoations and the most experience went into this one trooper. Therefore it is also quite more practical and believable compared to the other two gears. It is the most detailed suit! Scouts not only look the coolest - they actually have been the coolest in the show. While stormtroopers had to rely on numbers, heavy weaponry and direct orders - scouts showed initative and cunning performance being a lot more independent and acting in teams of two or four troopers deep in hostile area. They handle things on their own and don't hesitate to go into close combat with heroes. From a design perspective they have the best balance of looks, contrasting colors and different layers. They're not the dress men among troopers but they're damn sexy cowboys. Negs: People think of scout costumes as being simple and easy due to less armor involved. Even on first look it's obvious it is the most complex trooper of the classic trilogy. The armor is not the problem - it is the different fabrics, the different layers/elements and applications on the suit with all the tiny details and parts involved. Just when you thought you managed well in getting a suit you realize there need to be proper boots, straps, duck cloth for pouches and suede for riding patches and the latter even properly applied on the suit not forgetting the strapping all along.... It is a tedious process - both sourcing for really good parts and assembling them to fit and look authentic. It is a difficult task rarely acheived to have a replica gear assembled to look just like the screen original. I can't tell by actual percentage but even the whole lancer gallery onloy shows rare numbers of costumes that I deem spot on as spot on one can be with the resources we have. This is a lot easier these days with the stormtrooper or snow trooper and always has been since TE(PT etc)/TM and now RS. The stormtrooper armor is actually the only one of original descent. Scout just caught up with original descent regarding the helmet recently! Conclusion: Looking for a cool costume with quite some benefits in comfort being in action/character and bad ass look? Go for it Looking for a more accessable and user friendly costume for the first pitch? Go for white armor
  10. Having changed my delivery dietails I got an email confirmation of my reseller with a corrected shipping date. I don't know if this is an older state or current state of affairs but it says my helmet is planned to ship in the first half of february. I hope that's a final.
  11. Atm I can't afford it either. It's a long term project. Needed 6 years to get my first rig wearable and it didn't really look good until last summer.... So...
  12. Donovan you're probably right. However I'll keep that efx even if I get my hands on RS ware. Unfortunately due to the efx funding I couldn't jump on that limited run and just hope there will be a second chance.... In the end I need two of these for both biker variations (endor/death star).
  13. It might be that the DP Classics where scaled to acccomodate yoith size. They also had the deluxe edition which is more closer. So yes - like efx (and altmann?) a real one was at least used for reference.
  14. I thought the prototype stage got passed already when the pre orders where announced as we have seen such a picture earlier. That's irritating.
  15. Yeah I probably wouldn't have ordered it then. Maybe not even a coincidence ;-). However I'm going to keep it now and will have a nice collection of helmets. Still I have to possess that precious from the other island too.
  16. Considering efx a serious venture compared to most of our sources this is indeed disturbing. poop happens though and this also affects business like this - you can't calculate everything and some calculate with narrow deadlines...too narrow sometimes to compensate unexpected. It would have been better to have stuff in stock before selling it but in this market the company size or capacities are obviously too limited to do that.
  17. Well I bought the efx too and that one wasn't even made of the correct material so....cheap in comparison. Got the email too and still try to get the funds... I hope this one will be available on a regular base though anytime. I also like the snowtrooper and hope to get it once I'm finished with the scouts....if that can be done some day; lol..
  18. Which helmet you are using? Now that my visor is able to flip I wwould have no provlems but still don't use it due to fogging issues and the fact I still see clear and sharp enough for trooping. However I'm one of the smaller scouts and may have an advantage depending on helmet brand.
  19. It still looks tight in your selfie though. I think it os difficutl to achieve a lose look. Also screen references appear to me to have a tighter look as a manequin based presentation. And finally I disagree that the length of the bund is an error due to the technique the crotch is attached or not attached to the bund rather than a complete misconception of the shape of the bund in the whole. This is a result of multiple factors of understanding and production of the costumes - especially our replica costumes. But this is something we all suffer from...it is a vicious cycle of limitations in capacities or possibilites varying from individual to individual. I wish we really could standardize costumes like these. But it is not possible and some even don't like the concept of uniforms although they actually want to wear a uniform.
  20. I haven't taken part on discussions on FISD yet and it might be there is a more hostile atmosphere but we have to consider: The TK branches still represent the major bulk of people in armor and therefore have more traffic and minds colliding. Also they have what we don't have or of any only partially: ...armors of almost 100% original descent. I also think that multiple levels are not that clever but on the other hand theor "Centurion"? level being the highest and most accurate is something I admire seeing how the lancer status and possibilities actually are inferior to that one. You see this is something I always hated about the lancer status...it is superior to the minmum 501st standard but just mediocre at best compared to the real thing while TKs have the ultimate advantage in regards to screen authenticity. Also tje "grandfathering"aspect os something I don't like. Don't like it within the legion system and therefore can't accept it in a master class. I know some improve their gear ince bew knowledge of the costume surfaces but a good deal just rests on a title once achieved or even don't own the gear anymore. I personally think that is kind of sad. And that is another factor I never was keen belonging to this lancer faction. My major gripe has been the exclusion of armor shapes as I think it harmed the progress of developing the moulds any further. We're still not there where we could be and I claim that is not a problem based on the fact we totally lack any physical reference of the armor. That said I always saw the necessity to offer some extra Motivation for people to go beyond standard. Which is why I contributed to the think tank and avoided to take a position as I do now. So yeah I actually think the time has come to collectively think about the future of the lancer specs.
  21. The chevron is either too high or yoir bund too long to achieve the targeted look. I think the latter isbthe case. As the belt is meant to sit right under the bund it would cover or at least touch your chevron. Atm it is similar to mine where the belt has to cover part of the front of the bund to not look silly. So I advise to do it all anew anytime.
  22. I think that is evident by several of the new references such as the blu ray close ups.
  23. I guess crls get an overhaul anyways once all the new stuff is compiled and brought to practice.
  24. Well, it still could happen though....
  25. My reseller says on his page, that it is expected for 22nd and no delay message yet.
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