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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. thanks for the replies, guys. we are getting there!!!
  2. the bdu's do look better. the black dye is the ticket. your KST costume keeps getting better and better. keep up the good work angelo. now if we could just get your seamtress to get with the program. pm sent.
  3. the first one is what someguys are using already.
  4. here are some more parts. i designed the tank so the greeb should just fit in the slot made for it. got the shins looking a little better. here is the boot armor. here the back plate that the tank will sit in. forearm piece.
  5. that is why i decided to make the armor out of hips and not fiberglass as original planned. i feel the hips will fit more people than the fiberglass and would be easier to work with as most on here have experience with TB or TK abs armor.
  6. the deposit is $100 down. payable as soon as you are ready. if you need to set up payments please pm me. i will collect the remaining amount when i am ready to ship your kit.
  7. pm sent. the parts should be pretty clean. you will have to do some trimming on the armor because of size differences. i am going to trim all the rubber and greebs so you don't have too. in my build thread there is a pic of the greebs. those are castings of the parts.
  8. don't worry ,when the time comes.... i will have you covered, skup!
  9. hi, guys. i am starting an interest list for my armor kits. the price is $550 shipped in the us. we are still about a month away from production. i am going to do these 3-4 at a time, then the next 3-4 on the list if there is that much interest. the armor will be made of .125 hips or .090. the soft parts will be made of rubber. i will take a deposit down and will collect payment when the kit is ready to ship. if you are interested in individual pieces please pm me so i can put you on the list for those parts. GM's mainly. the deposit is $100 down and if you need time to pay or want to do payments ,just email me. paypal is mrbunglestuff@rocketmail.com please include your BSN name when paying. the kit includes: HARD ARMOR 2 shoulder bells 2 bicep pieces 2 forearm pieces front plate back plate with tank 1 cod 2 knees pieces 2 sets of shins 2 boot pieces 1 buckle for belt. the greeblies 1 for the top of tank 1 for right bicep 2 for left bicep 4 for the straps on shins. straps and belts 2 knee straps 1 bicep strap 2 lengths of belt there are a couple of odd and end pieces you can buy at the hardware store. like the o-rings for the boot armor and the straps for the forearm armor and some aluminum for the clips that go on the straps of the shin armor. i will post a tutorial on how to put the armor together and what to buy from your hardware store. the list . i put names down that have contacted me for armor through pm. if you are no longer interested plese pm me and i will remove your name from the list. 1. ME! 2.heatshock paid 1 shipped recieved 3.rogue scout kit and helmet. paid. 2 shipped , RECIEVED 4. falcon-one armor kit paid. 3 shipped. RECIEVED 5. Vodika armor kit and helmet. armor kit paid. 5 shipped. recieved. i have had a couple of emails about the shin and boot armor for GMs. the shin and boot armor is $100 shipped ,$125 with knee armor with knee traps. GM parts. 1. leo73 shin and boot armor. paid RECIEVED 2. darkjawas shin and boot armor and knees, paid RECIEVED 3. stickmonkey shin and boot armor. paid recieved 4. teabo shin and boot armor. paid RECIEVED.
  10. awesome job , rogue scout! i think you nailed the pouch color solution. on weathering the armor. i did exactly like you are stating. primer, chrome, then primer again. then tan coat using liquid latex to mask damage from layer to layer.
  11. as soon as i have the prototype pulls done and there are no problems. i will be doing a interest list. some have already contacted me and are already on the interest list and will be the first ones in line on the run. i got you down denny.
  12. the top one will be covered. i am worried about the bottom one. i think the botoom one might stick out. worse case is i have to cut off the bottom one.
  13. that was the test pull , i hope to pull you one this week.
  14. here is the test pull for the rubber belts. you wrap the main belt around your waist then use the small piece to fill in the gap. this should work fine when all trimed up.
  15. the belt around the waist is grey with black squares. the belts on the little boxes is white.
  16. you are correct. the pouches are different colors. we just have to narrow down which pouch is which color.
  17. i went to the 501st site and there are 3 barcs already approved. how can this be when there are no CRL's yet??? http://www.501stlegion.org/members/costume...hp?costumeID=19
  18. i did a real quick paint up on some gbx's i have just to see what they will look like with the right colors. keep in mind that most of the boot will be covered in armor. also that the boots will have some black coming through according to the reference pics.
  19. still waiting on dorothy to make them. i will try and call her today.
  20. i put in there that the cod piece was hard armor, what does everybody think on the dreaded cod piece?
  21. thanks ,guys. i have a feeling i am going to do a few sets of shin and boot armor for the GMs. plastic ordered. ya!!!
  22. and as boba fett said ......."as you wish." we need to get the proper paint colors for the armor. krylon kahki tan seems to be the base everybody has used. phgfett's color finds for the camo. Polly scale, Panzer Olive green Tamiya Color, Flat Earth (brown) FX-52 item # 81359 Tamiya Color, Desert Yellow XF-59, item # 81752 with an green ink wash over it. with misting and weathering. black and kahki seems to work well. any thoughts.
  23. no real update, but we are getting closer. the armor is done for the most part, just going over the parts fixing small details here and there. i am finally getting all the parts for the vacform table. with some luck i will have it finished this coming week. i am going to order the plastic (hips) mon. so a prototype pull is just around the corner!! now if i can just the glove and suit ladies to get those parts done, i would be a much happier camper!
  24. CRL UPDATED. are you talking about the cumberbund pouches?? if you are, i say military pouches are fine for basic but they need to have the correct shapes and flap shapes. gloves now have the sleeve or gauntlet option as long as the greeb is correct. on the greeb, i think the one you made should be the one to be used. if we have 5 different ones that would get abit confusing. helmet i am adding the open face helmet option to the crl.
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