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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. looks pretty cool but i would think the gloves need to be leather. just my 2 cents.
  2. looking really good, angelo. the dark camo on the suit made a world of difference. still need that second pouch under the tank.
  3. looking good so far, frank.
  4. looks great, angelo, yeah that cod piece does look good considering it took me a little over an hour to make. i am glad the belt looks good. i think i need to make them a darker grey. i wouldn't sweat the shirt , most of it will be covered in armor and gloves and cumberbund.
  5. thanks for the tip , i might try that on my dc-15 shorty.
  6. you are right , LG. very well put. i am trying to get mike back over here and to post his work and get back into the swing of things. no luck yet even though he said he would start posting again. the old once bitten ,twice shy thing comes into play i believe. i hope mike does come back on here because without his advice and such, i would have been lost on my build. here is his build thread on TDH. http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31413
  7. yes they do and i think the bottom grenade pouch is slightly larger than the top one.
  8. that is just some pics of mostly finished parts and he did not go into as much detail as he did on here.
  9. yep they are 18 pouches , i put it in the crl. you are right about the height of the pouches.
  10. pghfett's armor got recasted and he basicly went underground. he deleted all his pics form his threads. that is where the tutorial went.
  11. better , but i would tape them off and paint them grey.
  12. yeah, the rubber parts are supposed to be grey.
  13. mine measured 1 3/4 inches wide and 5 1/4 tall. it tapers back to that width.
  14. i would leave it alone. you can always trim it yourself when you get it.
  15. that cumberbund looks great!
  16. looks very promising ,angelo. i hope to have my gloves soon.............fingers crossed.
  17. when are you going to cast me a copy of that bad boy!!!???
  18. here are the belt buckles for the boot armor i made. the parts are made from a scrap piece of roof flashing. i made the greebs to be glued on the flashing.
  19. awesome work, angelo. you are an inspiration to all of us building a KST.
  20. here is the belt i just pulled. much cleaner than the first pull. i am experimenting alittle to try to get grey bars with a black background, that way we don't have to paint the rubber. you can see in the smaller belt where i added more tint to the rubber. the back of the belt is getting darker compared to the bars on the belt. i think it is possible to get the right look on the belts by playing with the tints added to the rubber. fill in the bars with the gray tinted rubber , then come right on top of it with black tinted rubber.
  21. thanks , tony i have 2 more spots open on my full kit list if anybody is interested, after that people will go on the back up list.
  22. the books are old AD&D books from the early 80's and bunch of other stuff, like comics and real books.
  23. remember to leave room for your forearm armor.
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